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by anonymous

I use RUTX09 with RUTX_R_00.02.06.01 FW. Edit -> Unfortunatly issue is still there in RUTX_R_00.07.00 !

I have setup data limit on both SIM and setup automatic reset every month.
But each month this is the same, data counter are not reset automatically and keep running until I trigger manualy reset through the web UI. Everything else working including SMS warning and SIM switch on data limit, but without this reset feature working, SIM switch on data limit is just not usable .
Did I miss something ?

1 Answer

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by anonymous

Could you configure your data limit for a shorter period of time for testing purposes. In your screenshot, I do not see that data is not reset (you probably did that manually). Also, attach troubleshoot via private message to me.

Also, I have reviewed developer logs regarding this feature and there are plans in the future to work on this feature, so your structured logs would be useful.

by anonymous

Ok I will do the test and will provide you  with troubleshoot file.
I don't understand why you said "I do not see that data is not reset (you probably did that manually)". How could you see it ? From my side I see that total data amount is not reset when I go to Mobile usage in web UI, but indeed I am not sure this is same counter than the one use for data limit (however when I clear manually this counter is reset as well). I noticed the issue because I received SMS data limit warning, while data limit counter should have been reset one or 2 day just before, which obviously was not the case. I got this issue every month...

Is there a mean to display data limit counters or are they directly visible in web UI ?

by anonymous

cat /proc/net/xt_quota/mob1s1a1 (or mob1s2a1) will give you the number of bytes remaining for the period.

I have a similar issue, I have observed that the counter is reset as expected at the period expiration but the value just before the switch is "restored" a few hours (minutes ?) later.

And the counter for the inactive SIM is not always reset at the expiration period.

by anonymous
Thank you both for the information. I will make sure that this information reaches the RnD department and we may get this fixed in upcoming releases.

by anonymous

@flebourse thanks to give the indication where counter can be retrieved.
Thus I performed a new test by triggering data reset of SIM2 (daily + hour) and as @flebourse mentioned, this couter is properly reset. Then I perfomed a SIM switch to SIM1 (by applying anoter profile) then come back again to SIM2 (by applying again previous profile) and then as @flebourse observed I confirm that counter retrieves a previous value before reset (but not exactly last one before reset either). Modifying date of automatic reset also result in counter alteration:

root@Teltonika-RUTX09:~# cat /proc/net/xt_quota/mob1s2a1

After the automatic reset time => counter was reset:

root@Teltonika-RUTX09:~# cat /proc/net/xt_quota/mob1s2a1

Some times later => counter normaly decreased

root@Teltonika-RUTX09:~# cat /proc/net/xt_quota/mob1s2a1

Right after, performed 2 SIM switch SIM2->SIM1->SIM2 and then => counter restored to an inconsistent value:

root@Teltonika-RUTX09:~# cat /proc/net/xt_quota/mob1s2a1

Then I restore my original settings for data limit reset and then => still another value from nowhere !!!

root@Teltonika-RUTX09:~# cat /proc/net/xt_quota/mob1s2a1

Indeed many way to reproduce the issue and never work (I wonder how feature was tested :-( ...)

by anonymous

Despite @VykintasKuzma "Thank you both for the information. I will make sure that this information reaches the RnD department and we may get this fixed in upcoming releases.", this big and very anoying issue is still there in RUTX_R_00.07.00.