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by anonymous
I want to configure RUT950 for best performance with Zoom video conferencing.  Main WAN is Starlink, which I find has frequent "no satellite" outages of 10-20 seconds and infrequent longer "beta" outages of several minutes.  Secondary WAN is Verizon 4G service.  Most of the main WAN outages are too short for failover to be effective.  I'm currently trying load-balancing with 10:1 ratio of Starlink to 4G (highest I was able to set), but I'm not sure that will do what is desired--keeping Zoom session active through a short Starlink outage.

1 Answer

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by anonymous


Thank you for contacting .

To make mobile connection good see the video

Depends on the speed you are receiving on Verizon if its is enough to make zoom conference stable.

Its best to test on actual basis. You can replicate this scenario on actual basis to know the actual results. Because it depends region wise what bandwidth is ISP providing.

Thanks .



by anonymous
This video doesn't help me.  Let me try to better explain what I need.  I have already optimized my 4G connection at the site, using an external antenna and specifying best band.  I have (only) about 10 Mbps down and 1 Mbps up, on average.  This is my secondary WAN.  My primary WAN is a Starlink beta feed, which at minimum provides around 50 Mbps down and 10 Mbps up.  This speed is fine for my purposes of having one or more Zoom sessions going and possible video downloading going on at the same time.  The problem is that the Starlink loses contact with satellites for 10-15 seconds, sometimes multiple times per hour.  This period, I think, for utilizing failover to the the 4G WAN, but it is long enough to play havoc with a video conference.  I'm trying to use 10:1 Starlink:4G load balancing on the thought that when Starlink goes down the 4G link will take all the traffic.  Does it work that way?
by anonymous


I have made tests on my side using the Rut9xx device on the latest firmware .

Configured the load balancing with multiple ratios.

And yes if keep ratio 1:10 , meaning 1 for main connection and 10 for the other it worked fine. 

Tried to produce failover event on main WAN and connection was up without any disconnections .

Tried to play 1080p video on youtube on secondary connection using mobile sim card it worked fine without any issues.

Yes, once main connection is down secondary with ration 10 will take all the traffic . 

I hope its clear to you now.

If anything is unclear feel free to ask gain.





by anonymous
Thanks so much, Ahmed.  It is great that the load balancing seems to work in practice as a fast "failover" for short disconnects.  However, I really need the ratio to go the other way than you tested it.  Because the 4G connection is both data limited and relatively slow, I need to send most traffic over the Starlink connection (10 in the ratio) and have the slower 4G connection handle traffic only as necessary (1 in the ratio).  I'll try to do this test when I am next at the location of the router, which is mostly weekends at present.