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by anonymous
Hi could someone help me do the following:

Have a RUT240, the wan port has been configured as lan port.

need to achieve this,

I want lan2(old wan) to to be able to communicate with the device connected to lan1 but not be able to connect to internet via the sim

I want be able Talk to the device on lan1 from mobile but NOT to anything on lan2.

So to recap device on lan 1 needs to talk to both mobile and lan2 and visa Vera but lan1 and Lan2

Need to be kept separate so it’s impossible for anyone on mobile and lan2 to connect to each other

Is this possible?

1 Answer

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by anonymous


For this inquiry of yours, it is possible by configuring VLAN's + Traffic rules.  

The steps will be this: 

1. Navigate to Network > VLAN then create another LAN Network: 

2. Then return to VLAN Networks and assign LAN port 2 to the newly created Lan Network port 1 to the default LAN network.

3. After that Save and Apply. 
4. Next is Navigate to Network > Firewall > Zone Forwarding edit the newly created LAN network like this:

5. Lastly navigate to Network > Firewall > Traffic Rules and create a rule similar to this: 

6. It is best to reboot the RUT when you finished configuring :) 

I hope it helps
