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by anonymous

EDIT: i Just realised there is a networks and a mobility forum, reposted this question in the Mobility-Forum:

Hello Forum,

i baught a gh5200 as a kid.tracker for my 6yearold who is going to scholl alone at the end of this summer.

I think its a great plattform, its simple, its not a toy, it has lasting battery and some things allready work properly, here is what i got programmed so far: 

  • my son can call mom, dad and grandpa (longpress on 1 or 2 or 3) 
  • he can raise an alarm (longpress on !) 
  • and can accept calls from the ones mentioned above (onepress on any key)

for the alarm i already build a costum message: %gmap Battery %io50690 Last Fix (UTC) %fixtime  %fixdate Cell %cel

Here  is what I struggle with:

  • if I send the command ggps i sometimes get a valid gmaps link, but sometimes i just get the answer "No gps signal"
    • In case no gps signal is available I need the device to send the last fix and the time it occured
      • i know i can use the command getgps this would send the last location but its not a gmaps link and therefore cumbersome to work with
      • best solution: if any known sumber sends any sms which does not contain a valid command it is replyed to with the Message:  %gmap Battery %io50690 Last Fix (UTC) %fixtime  %fixdate Cell %cel
      •  2nd best solution a custom comand is implemenmted to get the message:  %gmap Battery %io50690 Last Fix (UTC) %fixtime  %fixdate Cell %cel
  • I want a scheduled report
    • at a predifined time the device should send a message containing latest position and battery-levels  

does anyone have any idea hwo to get the custom reply or the scheduled sms? 



1 Answer

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by anonymous

I'm glad you went so far with the GH5200, but unfortunately, I don't think we can help you further or even to the point you've reached yourself. moderators should help you with everything as the device is totally their specialization. So please stay patient and you should get an answer real soon.