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by anonymous

Firmware 00.07.00

Dear Teltonika support, one of your colleagues mentioned in context with installing packages "Network Shares" and "DLNA", which in a certain order is not possible due to memory constraints, that, beginning with FW 00.07.00, one can install a SD Card on system's electronic board, and thus separate the usage of flash memory for packages and USB storage for e.g. SAMBA shares.

So I installed a 32GB ext2 formatted microSD Card and then used menu "Services > USB Tools > Storage Memory Expansion". I selected "SD" from listbox "Storage", set switch "Enable storage expansion" to "on" and pressed "Save & Apply".

After two and a half hours seeing nothing than a let me say turning wheel with text "Formatting", expecting a reboot, I terminated the browser, re-invoked it and got the login screen of the router; obviously the router has finished the task without any feedback to the user. I performed a manual reboot of the device. In menu "Status", widget "System" there was no change concerning memory.

The menu "Status > System", widget "Memory", also showed no expanded flash memory.

By the way, the same happens when selecting USB in listbox "Storage".

From my point of view as a user the feature is not implemented.

I have spend a lot of time and patience to experiment with the features "Network Shares", "DLNA", Memory Expansion, but didn't get one to status running.

If there is any user in the Crowd Support Forum who got this running, I would appreciate respective comments.



by anonymous
Sorry, wrong place, have deleted contents and added it to the end of discussion.

1 Answer

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by anonymous
Hi Guenther,

Regarding the Storage Memory expansion, it is best to do it via a USB flash drive instead of using the SD card. Kindly test doing the memory expansion via USB flash drive because as of now it is not really suggested to expand the memory with the use of SD Cards due to some limitations of SD-card life expectancy.

Let me know the results :)

by anonymous

Hello Mellow,

thank you very much for your answer. What I have to write now is not meant personally.

Since I have bought this router I'm trying, playing, experimenting, discussing to get things around "Network shares" and newest, with FW 00.07.00, "DLNA" running - without any success.

One may call me a fool, but during my working life I have developed software and managed software projects. So I have a solid knowledge about all this.

If you look at my CSF account and selectively all the issues I have posted, and answers received, then you will understand, that my patience is at the end.

Nothing to say about the original task of this router, it has super features concerning telecommunications (e.g. failover feature together with it's reach set of different interfaces). This qualifies the router perfectly for my application in a camper.

A year before I had the simple use case to store data on a SAMBA share. I had questions concerning details about login credentials, I performed detailed tests and provided the results to Teltonika. Until now I got no answer at all concerning the difference between my test results and the specification I got from Teltonika.

Now I updated the router to FW 00.07.00 and had the impressing experience of the new Web UI; perfect.

I restarted with my use case "SAMBA share", but now I can't even see the USB stick as mounted and available to setup the share.

Meanwhile I read from Teltonika support, that it is possible to separate storage devices into SD Card and USB device. Because a question from last year, how to configure memory expansion and simultaneously SAMBA shares on an USB drive, is still not answered, I was happy to try this; and by the way, it is offered on the Web UI. Now you recommend not to use this - in contradiction to your colleague and the implementation. What is true now? Why does Teltonika offer a functionality in Web UI, which does not work (refer to the according issue)?

The simultaneous installation of DLNA and SAMBA shares leads to a memory overflow if you perform the steps in a certain order (refer to another issue). A colleague of you meant, that this cannot be the case, until I provided a screenshot showing the according error message of my router!

You can see that currently I turn in a circle. A lot of questions and no answers bringing me closer to my use cases (very simple: storing data on the router and using DLNA).

I will now write a letter to Teltonika sales about all this, and hopefully I will get an answer how to overcome all these issues.

Mellow, thanks again, and no offense concerning your engagement.



by anonymous

Regarding this issue of yours could you share with me a copy of the troubleshoot file. But mainly what you want to do is just to extend the flash memory of the device? Or just do DLNA and Samba via USB Tools without expanding the flash memory. And did you test it via USB not via SD-Card?

by anonymous

Hello Mellow,

to start with my use cases:

  1. I want to store/retrieve data to/from router via SAMBA share
  2. I want to use DLNA
Router data:
  1. Firmware RUT9_R_00.07.00
  2. Product type RUT955T033B0
  3. Hardware revision 1714
  4. Kernel version 4.14.221
For troubleshoot file I need your help. How to attach it?
Thanks, BR
by anonymous
Good morning Mellow,

at 11.08.2021 I have sent you the troubleshoot file via a private message.


by anonymous
Hello Mellow,

what about the content of my troubleshoot file? Is there anything inside clarifying the problem?

Or is the problem caused by the issues RnD is working on for 07.01 and 07.02.



by anonymous
Hello Guenther,

Regarding the solution you are trying to implement as mentioned in the private message as of now it is better to do the memory expansion first via USB and do Samba and DLNA when the flash of the router is expanded. It is suggested to do not do memory expansions via SD Card to prevent some errors. Implementing Memory expansions via SD card is not really fully implemented.

If you have further concerns about this one kindly communicate with your Teltonika sales account manager :)

Thank you and have a nice day!

by anonymous

Hello Mellow,

thanks for your engagement.

As you can read in my first comment, I don't even see the USB device as mounted. Any further step you recommended is prevented!

Again the question, whether this is caused by issues RnD is just working on. I do not like wasting time to experiment with a system having known bugs.

Again, what about my troubleshoot file.

Thanks, Mellow.

