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628 views 6 comments
by anonymous
Hey, I just updated to 00.07.00 firmware and was setting up GPS tracking on RUHAVIK. It works really good..... for about 30 minutes.

The connection to RUHAVIK is stable and works. but when I check GPS Map on UI it says: "no GPS signal". The system is installed in my car and connected with the COMBO MIMO Mobile / GNSS / WIFI roof SMA antenna. The last Signal on RUHAVIK was with 9 sats. Not much, because I'm standing in front of a house. but still enough to work.

rebooting/ power cycle.... all done without effect.

Edit: I just flashed the firmware again. no effect
Any ideas?

BR Peter

2 Answers

0 votes
by anonymous

Could you try re-flashing the firmware to 2.06.1 and check for the results? Also, it would be best to check the number of satellites available in the area. If the issue still persists kindly share with me a copy of the troubleshoot file of the device.

by anonymous

I downgraded the firmware to 02.06.1. And now it works! GPS is back on. Position is very good.

So something in the new firmware let crash the GPS.

by anonymous
Flashing back to 00.07.00 causes the same issue again. GPS: no GPS signal. It works for 5 seconds and then off

So it it definitly a software bug
by anonymous

As of now, it is best to stay in the 2.06.1 firmware version for RUTX11. But if you want to use RUTOS 7.0 firmware kindly try doing the firmware upgrade via bootloader menu and check again :)

You can do it by following the steps mentioned here:

Let me know the results.

by anonymous
Hey. I just tried a few ways. At least I returned to 07 firmware.

But here is the thing. I just got it working. GPS starts working when I disabled GLONASS Sats.... Only Galileo. Then I got the signal back.
by anonymous
I have the exact same issue with multiple RUTX11 routers.

When I upgraded the firmware, the GPS works occasionally, but then also disappears totally even after reboot.

I downgraded to to RUTX_R_00.02.06.1 and so far the GPS is working fine. But I notice that I can no longer backup the router settings. (nasty error on the web admin backup screen)
by anonymous
Is this problem fixed in RUTX_R_00.07.01.2? Or is it still better use older RUTX_R_00.02.06.1 version?
0 votes
by anonymous
I have no words how disappointed I am with the RUTX11 device. I already have the second one. As the first one failed completely. The actual one seems to work generally (providing a wlan .....yeah that's what a cheap huawei stick can do) but then by trying additional functionalieties it should have - it fails again. Like the one described here with GPS tracking . Exactly the same problem. Started with GPS then suddenly signal lost and did not come back.  Sorry I am so frustrated with this product.