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by anonymous


I have RUTX12 router and I'm currently experiencing problems setting up an Advanced Static Route.

I create a routing table as normal which works fine, then I look to add a static IPv4 route. I select the interface that I want to route all traffic to such as mob1s1a1, enter the IP address and subnet and click add. Upon reloading the page the interface changes automatically to lan which appears to be a default. If I select an interface such as wan then click Save & Apply it appears to retain the wan interface as the setting.

I have completed a factory reset on the device and it appears to have made no difference.

The issue appears to be that when selecting mob1s1a1 or mob2s1a1 as an interface it is not retained on saving settings.

I recently upgraded the firmware on this device and it appeared to work before.

Is there anyway of manually setting the interface via SSH or another method?

Product code: RUTX1200XXXX

Firmware version: RUTX_R_00.07.00

1 Answer

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by anonymous

I wasn't able to reproduce the issue you're having as the values stay the same.

Please try reflashing the firmware through bootloader menu and see if it fixes the issue:

Also, what I would suggest is looking at your browser cache and clearing it, it could be that it's also messing up with your WebUI visuals and choices.

As regarding the way to change these things through SSH - you have to edit /etc/config/network file and find the "config route" table and there you will be able to change the selections and fields you edit in advanced static routing. After the changes don't forget to run /etc/init.d/network restart, it will restart the services and reload the configuration changes you made.

Easy ways to edit the file I mentioned is through either vi command:

Or any SCP capable file explorer as WinSCP.

by anonymous
I have same issue on IPAD PRO . Browser Chrome , also in Inkognito tab. Didn’t work with new installed Firefox. It seems that browser cache isn’t solution.