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by anonymous

we use the Teltonika RUT955 with the latest firmware in cars and campers to connect to the Internet with a sim cars or with the camsite WLAN. The configuration works perfectly and the connection to the WLAN at home also works smoothly. If I now turn off the device, put it into my car and turn it on at an other place, I no longer get an WLAN (access point) network displayed by the router. I first have to hook in via the LAN interface and deactivate the wireless client configuration under Network, Wireless and then the WLAN (access point) is available again. Only an the go I usually have only one tablet or mobile phone so I can`t change this setting. Where could the error lie? We have already tried this on several devices with different settings, but the same error always come.


much regards

by anonymous
Hello Rene,

I have the same problem, also in campers. Did you find a solution or any other support?


by anonymous
I was able to solve this problem by setting up two profiles and adding a second wifi network.

The first profile is used whenever I want to connect the RUT955 to another wifi network: This profile is deactivating the SIM (actiually switching from SIM 1 to SIM 2, while there is no card in slot 2), and activating station mode.

The second profile activates SIM card 1, and deactivates station mode.

I encountered the same problem with the accessibility of the wifi network after restarting the router or changing profiles. I therefore added a second SSID. Now, I am able to connect to the router's WebUI, even when one is not available.

Btw, this hint works for me only with firmware versions 6.08.3 and 6.08.5, as my RUT955 does not work with 7.00 and a Telekom Deutschland SIM card.

1 Answer

0 votes
by anonymous

Could you tell me which firmware version are you using? If it is not the RUT9_R_00.07.00 version, please try upgrading. Also, configuration screenshots would be appreciated and if the issue reproduces on the latest firmware, please send me a troubleshoot file from your router. You can download it from the System > Administration > troubleshoot menu. Please download it only when an issue is present.
