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211 views 4 comments
by anonymous

Dear Teltonika Service,

another interesting situation with my RUT955 after update to FW00.07.00.

A few seconds after power up of the router I got an event report with the following text:

Router name: RUT955;
Time stamp: 2021-09-20 17:53:21;
Event type: CONFIG;
Event text: overview configuration has been changed;

Yet, I didn't change anything!

This firmware is full of surprises!

Any idea?



1 Answer

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by anonymous

Did this event report occurred only once after the firmware upgrade to the RUT9_R_00.07.00 version or does it appear randomly?

If you could reproduce the issue, would it be possible to receive troubleshoot file?

by anonymous

Good morning, Vykintas,

I (unfortunately) upgraded to this experimental firmware months ago. Meanwhile I configured and tested a lot. It's the first time that this strange error occurred.

I am not willing to perform any more tests on this issue to provide a troubleshoot file, because in the past, since reporting errors for this exciting FW 00.07.00, I never got a useful answer for a solution.

Hopefully Teltonika will release an acceptable firmware soon.



by anonymous
We are indeed planning to release the 7.1 version with tons of fixes soon. Hopefully, it will help you and others to regain trust in the software and I sincerely apologize for all inconveniences.
by anonymous


you are the first Teltonika employee who addresses the critical point - the trust in Teltonika's RUT955 product. Because you cannot see RUT955's perfect concept and robust hardware without the firmware it's running! A customer sees the complete product and wants it to work - as simple as it is.

In addition, what honors you, is, that you apologize for the inconveniences.

Have a great day.



by anonymous
>A customer sees the complete product and wants it to work< Not always.

In case, customer uses official openwrt to run on the RUT955, it is even better than the original, especially, if custom processes required.