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We have a RUT950

In slot 1 we have a single network 20GB allowance SIM card.

In slot 2 we have a multinetwork SIM card that costs lots to use - it will roam on all UK networks.

I can see how you can set the SIM card management to switch from Slot 1 to Slot 2 (e.g. no network).

How will the device know to switch back when there is signal on Slot 1.  Just wondering if it is lazy and will stay on Slot 2 because there is a connection - whats to tell it to go back to slot 1?

1 Answer

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by anonymous


In Network -> Mobile -> SIM Management -> SIM 2 to SIM 1 or other tab (the one is used to make change from secondary to primary SIM) you can configure parameter, "tells" router when try to switch back to primary SIM card.

Best answer
Thats great cheers..

It really is a great product.. just need to sort out an LTE personal tracker and I'll be your biggest fan..

Can i just check.. does it check to see if SIM 1 is working every 30 mins (enable automatic switching) or every minute (Switch back to primary SIM card after timeout) every minute



-does it check to see if SIM 1 is working every 30 mins (enable automatic switching) or every minute (Switch back to primary SIM card after timeout)

A time interval in sec after which the router checks for condition changes corresponding to SIM switch rules. If such condition exist, the router will perform a SIM switch, if not - it will check for the same conditions again after the amount of time specified in this field.

-every minute (Switch back to primary SIM card after timeout)

Switch back to primary SIM card after timeout is a SIM switching rule that can only be configured on the secondary SIM card. It's purpose is to switch the router back to using the primary SIM after a SIM switch rule is triggered for the primary SIM card. 
A subsequent timeout value added to Initial timeout if the previous attempt to switch back to primary SIM failed. This value is increased every time an unsuccessful switch-back is made:
new_timeout = old_timeout + subsequent_timeout
Example: Let's say you've configured a rule that dictates the router to switch to Secondary SIM if signal strength falls below -90 dBm and a rule that will switch back to Primary SIM with both the initial and subsequent timeouts of 1 minute (i.e., Initial timeout = Subsequent timeout = 1). If signal strength does indeed fall below this threshold, the router will switch to Secondary SIM card, wait 1 minute (Initial timeout), switch back to Primary SIM card, check the signal strength value and, if signal strength value is still below -90 dBm, switch back again to Secondary SIM card. This time the router will try to switch back to Primary SIM card after 2 minutes, i.e., new_timeout = old_timeout + subsequent_timeout = 1 minute + 1 minute = 2 minutes. The third time the router will 3 minutes, the fourth time - 4 minutes, and so on until the signal strength of the Primary SIM card rises above -90 dBm.

by anonymous

Enable automatic switching must be checked if you want to enable automatic SIM switching. Check interval configures time in seconds, which periodically checks SIM switching rules.

When Switch back to primary SIM card after timeout is checked, router will try to switch back to primary after initial timeout and each other timeout will be prolonged with Subsequent timeout value. For example, if Initial timeout = 1 and Subsequent timeout = 1, then first switch will be performed after 1 min, second after 2 min, third - 3 min and etc. If you want to perform change every 30 minutes and do not increase next timeout tine, then configure Initial timeout = 30 and Subsequent timeout = 0.