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755 views 7 comments
by anonymous
I've finally got down to the root cause of my connection problem with secondary sim is:
That it's actually secondary modem that seems to be the root cause for 1 month of issues

1. first i tried to swap vendor (after having intermittent issues (ping fails - throwing line down/up all the time) even with a really good signal and speedtest)

2. then got external antennas (same issue)

3. playing with bands and manual settings (not helping)

4. replacing sim for secondary modem (replacing carrier with another (3rd) carrier). NOW I only get 3G with secondary modem, I swap SIM's between primary and seconday modem, 3G stays at secondary modem (but with another carrier), so I get 3G on secondary modem regardless of SIM/carrier.

5. I swap external antennas from modem1 to modem2 and vice versa (thinking one antenna must be broken)  - problem still stays with secondary modem. - I align antennas direction to take that out of the equation.

6. I swap back SIM (proving antenna/direction/sim combo - is not the issue here) and problem still stays with secondary modem

7. I try antennas included with router. still same problem stays with secondary modem.

8. I move back to the 1st SIM (the one with the best signal in this area where iam current at - now I have get 4G LTE with secondary modem again) but I also have the issue with failing pings rendering loadbalancing / failover useless.

Tried reboot modems and router multiple times between all the steps ...

Ideas? - can it be secondary modem has some kind of internal antenna defect ?

3 Answers

0 votes
by anonymous

Please can you backup the existing configuration on the RUTx12 and then do a factory reset, proceed to upload the saved config. Post which insert the SIM in the secondary slot and then capture the troubleshoot file and send it over for analysis ?

by anonymous
yea will find some time for this and let you know, I have TWO RUT12's now ...and just happy to have a reasonable internet connection
by anonymous
I can confirm that the second RUTx12 i bought - behaves exactly the same (so it's a Design problem?) - moving SIM card to slot 2 from slot 1, and signal quality is so bad it eventually fails over to 3G (or if I enforce 4G it stays disconnected)

This is with OEM antennas. (to take that out of the equation)

- I can reproduce the problem by moving SIM cards between slots just as before, the second modem always have worse condition than if same SIM card is used with 1st Modem
by anonymous
Added troubleshooting file.
by anonymous
Interesting observation I just did after a reboot 2nd modem first connects, then when 1st modem established connection, 2nd modem drops the connection.... I will attach anoter troubleshoot file with this scenario included
by anonymous

I did an extra verify-round by using the sim card from 2nd modem on 1st RUTx12 (tried both) - and if used in 1st Modem on 2nd RUTx12 it worked fine (as expected), it's in the exact same location with OEM antennas.

I added troubleshoot file from that 2nd RUTx12 also. (with the same "failing" sim card from RUT1/Modem2) - now working fine since it's Modem1

Conclusion - by design MOB2S1A1 is more "sensitive" to establish a working connection than MOB1S1A1,
and In my location with my carriers (tried all 3 available here in Spain) this renders RUTx12 to be a single-modem router.

0 votes
by anonymous

Please can you send me both the troubleshoot files as direct message ? As I am unable to access the one's attached to the query here.

by anonymous
Hello techvin030 - PM done
0 votes
by anonymous

Shall check the file and get back asap.

by anonymous
Any findings?