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356 views 2 comments
by anonymous
Hey guys,

Wonder if you can shed some light on an interesting situation we are having. We are using Rut950's in Ferries, we have 2 sims in and for most part all works however, we are noticing that after first power on, It connects to the home network ( Three ) then when crossing it looses signal ( As Expected ) then roams the other side. However when the ferry comes back from roaming it disconnects again as expected however never reconnects to any network unless we actually power the router down and back up. Then it goes back. We have sim switching setup as attached image

Litterally open to ANY suggestions at this point

2 Answers

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by anonymous


Which firmware version are you using? I would recommend trying out our latest release RUT9_R_00.07.02 to check if the issue reproduces. Another suggestion would be to configure auto-reboot feature which could restart your modem in situations as this one to reconnect your devices:


by anonymous

We are currently running RUT9_R_00.07.00, so i will push the extra Update

Its a very strange problem indeed the Auto reboot might be a valid suggestion

by anonymous
Further above, We have tried to upgrade but the router only sees the latest firmware as 07.00.02 which they are already on. Is this something i should download from somewhere ?
0 votes
by anonymous
Hi - to add to this discussion I have RUT955 and suffer the same issue. So now I send a "reboot" command via SMS when exiting the ferry and after a few minutes the RUT955 restarts and seems to sort itself out.