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by anonymous

I've reactivated a RUT240 which has not been in use for some months. I started by resetting the configuration and configuring the LTE connection.

While the connection to the Mobile network is working as expected, I have a significant performance problems for WiFi clients:

- When connected via LAN (cable), the performance is great and I can ping the RUT ( with times of 1ms or less

- When connected via WiFi, the performance goes down. The ping to the RUT varies between 20 ms and >1000 ms. It seems like the package handling is somewhat failing. Sometimes, the connection then seems to recover and I get a ping of < 10ms, but not as good as for LAN.

I have updated to the latest factory FW 1.14.3, have changed WiFi security to set it to AUTO or even just WPA-PSD (no WPA2), should somehow the security overhead cause the router to have high load. 

Is there a way for me to troubleshoot where the problem originates from, e.g. via the console? I have tried also different WiFi clients, so exclude this as a source of problems. Also a factory reset I did like 4 times by now.

in case there are performanced-optimized WiFi settings that are recommended, I'm happy to apply them. The System Info on the dashboard in the WebUI shows <20% CPU load. But when I go to System Information, I see something like: 

Load average 1 min: 80%; 5 mins: 91%; 15 mins: 83%

As of now I'm not using any additional services, i.e., no VPN or whatsoever. It is a factory default config.

Thank you for any support


by anonymous
I'd like to follow up with another observation: I have done a scan of the WiFi Channels used. As I'm currently in a residential area, there are around 10+ other WiFi SSIDs visible (mostly from some 'FritzBox' or similar ISP-supplied devices). Several of them are changing channels every now and then as (I believe) their optimization algorithms. The RUT240 I also have set on 'AUTO' for the channel.

I then went in and chose the lesser used channel 11 (most other SSIDs were around channels up to 8) manually for the RUT and then I was able to connect successfully and get acceptable performance. This lasted for a while only, as it seems some of the other WiFi access points around changed channels over time.

Currently, I don't understand how the ping latency is affected but am happy to learn. Is there any information how the channel selection and potentially optimization by RutOS works? Can this be the source of problems?



1 Answer

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by anonymous

First of all, thank you for the detailed description. I would like to ask if your RUT240 WiFi performed in such a way even before (last time when you used it a few months ago)? Also, do you notice any changes in the distance? For example, how far you can put your device from RUT240 to be able to connect to WiFi? Have you checked the antenna or have you tried to attach another antenna to the RUT240 connector?

by anonymous
Hello Vykintas,

thank you for the quick answer. As far as I remember, the performance of the RUT was quite good those 7 or 8 months ago. I even had OpenVPN working and that was fine. I also didn't mess around with any config files via SSH, so I can exclude unofficial configuration to be applied.

I must admit that the only change since then was: reset factory default and then update firmware. I did the reset as I had forgotten the admin password.

Considering distance, I'm using the devices 2 to 3 meters away from the RUT240. There is no need for me to have larger distance.

I have read in the community about the WiFi antenna, so had taken it off and on again, but no better performance was given. I must see if I find another antenna, but for me this would only affect the throughput/bandwidth but not the ping latency.

Does this help in narrowing down the problem? I'll try to find an antenna from another WiFi router or similar.


by anonymous

Hello Vykintas,

Even this is a bit old post, im replaying, because i didnt fin a solluition ons this problem here.

Ik have the same problem but with the RUT955. Connection on wifi is really bad. When i directly connect to the same wifi network on the same position my wifi is like 50mbits, and when i put the RUT955 between it as an accespoint, is came down to max 5 mbit. I tried everything and im a litlle bit out of solutions, hope you can help me. 

best regards leon