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by anonymous
FW ver.: RUT9XX_R_00.06.06.1 (Downgraded due to issues).

The behaviour of the serial over ip server for rs232 is undocumented.  If I connect from multiple clients will each receive a copy of all the data coming through the serial port (which is what I would like and expect) or will the data be 'shared' between the clients?

Reason for question: I am prototyping a logging client and a data recording client (for a very remote RUT955) in lua on my pc by binding a serial port on another pc to an ip address using socat.  Both clients need to receive the same raw data.  At the moment different clients receive different data (which surprised me as I thought socat would buffer and serve the same to all).

5 Answers

0 votes
by anonymous
Hello Garry,

I have received a reply from our Research & Development team.

"In the legacy FW's serial over IP (service sodog) TCP server allows several connections up to 32 at the same time. In that case, every connected client will get the same copy of the data that's is read on RUT955 serial device. Client can make a quick test of this behavior connecting several clients using any TCP client application. Setup would not work with UDP and might have problems if "Always reconnect" option is enabled. Not sure about client test setup using socat and its behavior in that setup."

So the recommendation would be to use sodog instead of socat and test the behavior, if the behavior reoccurs, then upgrade the firmware version and test it again.

Best Regards,

Best answer
by anonymous
Thank you, 32 connections is more than enough. As I mentioned in my original question the RUT955 is very remote, it is offline in Africa and I am in Europe so I am modelling the setup on  my pcs.  I have never heard of sodog and apt-cache knows nothing about it.  Is it a busybox thing?   Searching for it on the internet gets a million pet related results!
0 votes
by anonymous
Hi Gary,

Thank you for your query.

To begin with, Could you please upgrade the firmware version to 06.08.05 and check if the problem persists? I have checked our internal system and it does state that RS232 functions as intended on this particular firmware.


Best Regards,

by anonymous
Thank you for answering but what problem do you think I am trying to solve?  I asked about the behaviour of the serial over ip server.  In particular I want to know if it buffers data received from the serial port and sends the same to all connections - i.e. can it support multiple connections?  I expect the answer to be 'yes' but it is not documented in the manual.

The firmware was downgraded by another colleague for an issue that I have no knowledge of and is a completely separate matter from this question.
0 votes
by anonymous
Hello Garry,

Thank you for clarifying the question. I have forwarded this as a consult to our R&D department. As soon as I will receive a reply from them regarding your query I will update this case.

Best Regards,

0 votes
by anonymous

Sodog is Teltonika's custom application. It acts as a gateway IP /rs232 or rs485 gateway. More on how it can be configured (Over IP part).

Best Regards,


by anonymous
There's no mention of sodog on that page, I take it that it is the implementation behind that config.  Is there any way to obtain and build the source?


0 votes
by anonymous
Hi Gary,

You are correct. I do apologize, but the Source code for Sodog is not publicly available.

In general, if you are having trouble implementing a solution and it is not working as intended(as you mentioned previously), then please provide your topology and a clear description and please specifically point the part where the problem occurs. In addition, provide any possible troubleshoot files/configuration files available so the development team could look at it from our side.

Please note, that you would have to upgrade the firmware version of the device first and replicate the problematic behavior of Over IP server on our newest firmware version.(As it could be that it has been already fixed with newer releases)

Best Regards,

by anonymous
Hi Dziugas,

No worries, I can easily implement my own server if I need to go that far with testing.  Really just needed to know that the serial over ip implementation (which I now know is sodog) will properly support multiple connections, which it does.

Thanks for your help

