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513 views 2 comments
by anonymous


i have a bascom system with wifi cameras. when i connect a monitor directly to the recorder i can see the pictures. but i can't see the pictures via the bascom app. that is exactly what would be important.

the app cannot find a bascom system either. how do i set that? remote, gateway?!?

Thanks for the help. Klaus

by anonymous

Have you connected Teltonika router to bascom NVR/MDVR ?
Where as you have not mentioned which teltonika device you want to connect and how you want to connect.
I think based on that information I can help you.

2 Answers

0 votes
by anonymous


Thanks for the feedback.

I connected the bascom recorder directly to the RUT950 with a cable. I cannot add or see the cameras with the Bascom APP. Only when I connect a monitor directly to the Bascom recorder can I see the images from the cameras. think that a port / gateway etc. has to be activated or set in the RUT950

by anonymous
If the hardware in black and gray color is a NVR then then that is connected to RUT950 WAN.
SO first enable WAN as LAN from RUT955.
How to do it?
for legacy FW -
For latest FW -

If the hardware in black and gray color is not NVR and it is a router which is giving internet to rut9xx then make sure outgoing traffic in it is not blocked.
0 votes
by anonymous
I think Port Forwarding has to be enabled in the router like most DVR. Kindly follow the below 2 links and see if it helps

just to get the port numbers

This is to help you configure

Hope this helps....!!!