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453 views 2 comments
by anonymous

My RUT240 crashes <1min, when logged into webinterface.
I've only configured one IPSEC VPN tunnel, all other settings are default.
Router, IPSEC, works stable, but configuring via Webinterface not possible anymore.

Already factory default reset, and reconfig done, same issue again.

Latest RUT2_R_00.07.01 firmware installed

2 Answers

0 votes
by anonymous
Exactly the same. Same fw version too. When I configure an ipsec profile to my remote office, it connects, can access a remote device, but then the rutx12 crashes and reboots.

Hopefully @teltonika fix this as they had this issue early 2020 looking through old posts. The ipsec.conf file got corrupted when using the gui so that was the issue then.
0 votes
by anonymous


Thank you for contacting us.
I would like to ask, have you tried to restart webUI interface, using SSH/CLI with command: /etc/init.d/uttpd restart?

As far as I know, most of these IPSec issues are reported to RnD department and they are preparing an update, which will fix most of them.

Best regards,


by anonymous

The issue even occurs after a reboot or cold start, so when should I restart the GUI?
I cold start the router -> Login into webUI -> after approx 10-30 sec. -> crash & auto-reboot

BR rupert
by anonymous


Thank you for a quick reply.
I would like to ask, to provide a troubleshoot file. Log in this file gives more information about this issue.
This file could be generated using SSH.
Detailed instruction how to generate this file using SSH, could be downloaded from this link.
Thank you in advance.

Best regards,
