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by anonymous
how can i setup this scheduled SMS in the new firmeware?

how can i delete all sms and the sms storage automatically?

how can i downgrade from RUT2_R_00.07.01. to the previous firmware version?

1 Answer

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by anonymous


Unfortunately, there is no way to do that right now with the new RUT2_R_00.07.01 firmware. The issue is known to RnD and the feature will be re-added in upcoming firmware release.

If you'd like to downgrade back to older firmware, it's an easy process to do that, however please note that your configuration settings will be erased when downgrading the firmware.

To downgrade, first please navigate to this page and download the firmware version that you'd like to use to your computer:

Once you've downloaded the firmware to your computer, please navigate to System>Firmware, select "Update from File" and click on "Browse". Select the newly downloaded firmware and allow it to upload. When the verification process is completed, double check if the firmware validation was successful and if it is an authorized firmware. If all is well, click on "Proceed" and allow the router to downgrade itself. The process may take up to 5 minutes, please make sure that the router stays powered on during the process.

Best regards,
