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by anonymous
We have been testing RMS with RUT240's for a number of months without any issues and all data could be monitored etc.

At some pont the RMS credit expired (we didn't receive any email warning) and it looks like the RUT240 went into standby at some point - as expected. We have since added credit back into the account and the connection to the RUT240 has been re-established with everything appearing to work correctly EXCEPT there is NO DATA (signal/temp/signal change etc) being displayed under the "Company Device Metrics" as it did before. The email alerts have also disappeared, although, this could be because of the lack of any data to work with.

We have tried rebooting the router without any change and all other parameters are working correctly.

This router is in a very remote location and on top of pole etc, so access is very limited.

Has anyone seen the same or a similar issue?
Is this a RMS software problem?
Or are we missing a setting/parameter somewhere?

Surely, just because the credit runs out on a device or devices, it shouldn't then cause a loss of displayed information or data capure once the credit has been re-established? Hopefully this is a simple fix as we are looking to deploy these routers in remote locations.

2 Answers

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by anonymous
I've seen the same on an RUTX12. In my case it work to log in on the devices RUTos, go to >>SERVICES<< then >>CLOUD SOLUTIONS<< and click the >>CONNECT<<-Button in the STATUS-section ( I also had to click >>REFRESH<< and >>CONNECT<< again one or two times). After that it connected to the rms again with ease.

Hope that helps in your case, too.
0 votes
by anonymous

Hope this issue is now fixed for you, but if it's not, please check these things:

1. In RMS, Services > Management, all your devices have "Monitoring" enabled.

2. Try unregistering and registering the device back.

3. Go to Devices, select the device that has these issues, and click Management > Set monitoring update period. There make sure your device has Dynamic Monitoring enabled.