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+2 votes
499 views 2 comments
by anonymous
Hi there,

for a couple of days we're having a problem with a RUT X12 at a remote location. The Router (equipped with two SIM-cards of the same operator) constantly looses its (=both) mobile connection(s) after a few hours (~4-12) of flawless operation. This pattern is showing now for five days straight.

We've configured the ping-driven auto-reboot so the router is coming back online after ~15 minutes of black out but being offline for this long over and over again substantially affects our service there.

I've read the post with the identical symptoms on a RUT 240 but after pm the troubleshooting-log there is no mention of a solution.

Short term help would be much appreciated, thanks!

2 Answers

0 votes
by anonymous


Could you please confirm whether you're using auto APN or a custom one? This might be important. Additionally, entering the PIN code for SIM (if there is one) and selecting operational mode. Please refer to the following possible solutions for your issue:

  • Do you use Auto APN or a custom APN? Please check the settings by navigating to Network>Interfaces>MOB1S1A1>General Settings and check whether any APN is set. If not, please try to set a custom APN. If you don't know your APN, try to search online for your operator APN settings or contact your mobile operator and ask them directly.
  • Navigate to Network>Mobile and try selecting different service modes, for example "3G + 4G" or "4G (LTE) only". Also, please make sure you've entered the PIN code of your SIM card.


Let me know in case some of these potential solutions help or if none of them worked.

Best regards,


0 votes
by anonymous

Hello Tomas & thanks for your reply.

  • APN was set to auto → I've now changed it to "custom" and entered our specific settings as you suggested.
  • Service mode was set to "auto" → I've now changed it to "4G (LTE) only" as you suggested.

I've performed both changes on both Modems/SIMs installed. PIN-code was already disabled prior.

I'll monitor the routers bevahiour over the next few days and give you feedback. 

I have to add that we didn't loose the connection to this router for the last 2 days without changing anything prior. Before that we had a period of about 5 days where the router lost connectivity regulary after 6-18 hours and had to perform an auto reboot on ping as described in my initial post.

So thanks again and I'll keep you posted.

by anonymous
I'm back again, the problem continues despite the changes. Had two days of uninterrupted connection, then the same pattern repeats. The unit looses internet (mobile) connection after differing periods of 4-16 hours. Lost the connection now more than five times already.

Reboot on ping brings it back online, but this is very unsatisfying.

Any other suggestions?
by anonymous


Could you please generate and send me over a troubleshoot file via private message? I'd like to take a look at router firmware version, settings and the firmware version of both modems.

What's a troubleshoot file and how to generate it?

A Troubleshoot file contains a device's event logs, configuration files and other info useful for diagnostics. It can be downloaded from your device's WebUI, Troubleshoot page:

System → Administration → Troubleshoot

Best regards,
