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by anonymous

with a RUTx11 it's impossible to navigate with a WindTre SIM. The SIM result correctly connected, but it's impossible to reach any destination.

I tried to configure all the APN avaiable from the provider, without success. It's interesting to see that I have traffic sent, but not received.

Can you help?

Thank you so much
by anonymous


ich habe eine Windtre SIM im September problemlos genutzt in meinem Italien Urlaub (RUTX11). 30 Tage highspeed Internet, unbegrenzt, für 14,95 plus 5 € Aktivierung, ein echter Traum, verglichen mit deutschen Anbietern.

Hast Du auch die PIN hinterlegt in den SIM Card Settings?

Dann die Sim2 als default sim festlegen.

APN festlegen war noch nötig, erinnere ich mich, und dann ging’s:

-> Network Interfaces 


Auto-APN: off

APN: Custom

Custom APN:

Authentication: none 



1 Answer

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by anonymous


According to your current description and pictures, it seems that your router connected (was redirected) to operator's private network (without internet access) due to incorrectly used APN. If you have indeed not changed any default router's firewall or routing settings (i.e. if you have not manually experimented with firewall in attempts to block traffic), then your router should be able to acquire internet access once it establishes mobile data connection and if it cannot do so, that would indicate issues within mobile network (e.g. router might not connected to public mobile network)

In this particular situation we would recommend you to contact your SIM provider, inform them about this situation and ask for correct APN which needs to used. Then enter this APN manually in router's "Network -> Mobile" menu.

If issue will persist even with new APN, please ask your mobile operator to investigate from their side why this SIM card cannot access public internet, once connected to their network, since as you already indicated - router successfully established mobile data connection (i.e. done everything it could, and from that moment everything depends on mobile operator network)