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by anonymous
I purchased the RUT950 in hopes of being able to create a mobile router for a property I own that does not have land lines for internet.  I have never been able to discover the magic combination of settings that will allow this to happen.  I have a decent mobile signal but whatever I try, the unit says connected without internet.  I have spent weeks trying configurations, resetting to factory all with no luck. Thinking new firmware might help, I  successfully loaded 7.01 (still no success after many tries to create a mobile router) only to discover later that version had been withdrawn, so I attempted to go back to what the firmware download page says is the factory version - 6.08.5.   I did the update with retain settings turned off and the update seemed to go well.  Now I am unable to access the user interface by any means.  I tried the recovery procedure shown in the docs - hold reset and apply power 4 seconds - with no luck.  I feel like I'm out of things I can do, so I am asking what my options, if any,  are at this point.

1 Answer

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by anonymous


To start with, first try to reinstall router's firmware through bootloader's menu. Here is detailed step-by-step instructions how to so:

  • First of all please set static IP address on your network interface (e.g.
  • Use private/incognito Web browsers window with cleared/disabled cache

  • Power on the device while holding reset button. Flashing all 4 Ethernet LEDs indicates that bootloader’s webserver has started.
  • Access router via web browser
  • Upload new router's firmware "RUT9XX_R_00.06.xx_WEBUI.bin". It can be downloaded from here:
  • Wait few minutes. Router's LEDs should stop flashing. Only LED with LAN cable connected to that port should be active.
  • Try to access router via web browser
Above steps should allow you to recover access to your router.
Meanwhile regarding mobile connectivity - you do not need to do anything for router to attempt connecting to mobile network and start sharing internet to connected devices. However, since each mobile operator/SIM card are different, you might need to manually enter SIM card's APN in router's "Network -> Mobile" menu. Than can be done by disabling "Auto APN" functionality.
Your current description indicates, that router successfully established data connection with mobile operator, but was probably redirected to operator's private network (without internet access) due to incorrectly used APN. Changing APN to appropriate one, which your mobile provider indicated to you should solve this issue.