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by anonymous

I am reading from TRB245 registers. I have no problems getting GPS registers or Mobile registers but I can't read time registers I ever get and error "Invalid unit id" if I try read read register on dir 366

It's possible was bad referencied on manual?  I saw that there are two register for read pin2 and nothing for read pin11 It's by this I answer if is manual fully correct (

1 Answer

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by anonymous

Hello Jorge5a,

Thank you for your query.

Before, I begin I would like to inform you that those registers(366,378) are only available on our newest firmware version TRB2_R_00.07.01 , however, due to a severe Bug with IpSec VPN it has been removed. Therefore, only TRB2_R_00.07.00 is publicly available.

Regarding Registers 366 and 378- they are correct. However, our devices use First Register number and Register Count/values when requesting for a register.(Note that these registers are only available from  TRB2_R_00.07.01)


  1. To get register 366(Local ISO time): Register Number-367, Register Count-12
  2. To get register 378(UTC time): Register Number-389, Register Count-12

Here is picture showing this in action:

Regarding pin status, you are correct there is a double entry on pin 2 and there is no pin 1 status. I have already logged this and this will be looked into it. I will update you regarding this as soon as I get a reply from R&D(Research and Development) team. To sum up, the manual has some errors that will be fixed(but 366 and 378 work properly)

Important Note: The article is updated based on our latest firmware verson: TRB2_R_00.07.01, which has been removed due to IpSec issues mentioned above. However, if you are not using IpSec tunneling and would like to get this version please send me a private message and I will send you the test firmware.

Best Regards,


by anonymous

I would like to provide an update,

Wiki article has been updated, the duplicate PIN state 2 has been removed. In addition, pin state 11 is available as Register 141. It has been made a little bit more clearer now:

Link to the article:

Best Regards,


by anonymous

Thanks Dziugas.

I have updated the firmware to TRB2_R_00.07.00 but my problem was not solved. 

I have attached a image of a script that get all registers from 1 to 378 and on register address 363 start my problemI can't read registers from 363 in advance.

note: Format is {register_address: (content,) {

Could you help me?

by anonymous

Hello jorge5a,

Sorry there has been some confusion and I have edited my original answer, therefore, if you followed your e-mail you could have read my first reply, which was indeed only partially correct.

Long story short, these options aren't available on TRB2_R_00.07.00 , however, I do have a test firmware version: TRB2_R_00.07.01 that I could share where these options have already been implemented. As I am unable to share it publicly, please send me a private message and I will send you the firmware.

Best Regards,
