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by anonymous


my RUT240 - firmware FW ver.: RUT2XX_R_00.01.14.4 is not working as expected.

My Wiregueard (WG) on VPS is working properly. WG package at router is installed.

I try to follow step by step this instructions

With VPN I can manage by port forwarding my external access to Router and Devices by ports 80 to read and adjust its status.

But I am not able to setup my router as my VPS public address.

Can I set my Peer - End Point (VPS  public address) as router WAN IP Address?

I use LTe connection to internet, some device need public IP with port forwarding. My ISP do not provide it. I expected that router with WG would be able to cover devices connected to them.

Reality is that I cant see by my WG public address if I connect device to router. I see IP of my ISP. (Unfortunately I can’t install WG directly inside the device)

Please give mi a hint I am few days without any progress.

Thank you

1 Answer

+1 vote
by anonymous


Setting your router WAN IP address as your VPS IP address is not possible in this case. The article in question describes how to establish a WireGuard tunnel between two endpoints (VPS and the router) and then create a functional port forward via VPS/router tunnel. The router will still have its own WAN IP address (provided by your ISP) and the VPS will remain with the same external IP.

If you'd like your device to have a public IP address directly without the VPS solution, please refer to "Scenario #2: Configuring the passthrough mode" of the article. Please note, however, that you must have a SIM card with public IP address for this method to work.

Best regards,


Best answer
by anonymous
Thank you Tomas for quick answer,

you saved me a lot of time. Is there some cheap technical solution with other Teltonica device?

Happy new year

by anonymous


I'm glad I helped. Unfortunately, unless you can get a SIM card with either fixed (static) or dynamic public IP address, there is no other way to get a public IP on WAN interface. Please find more information about the difference between public and private IP address on our wiki article here:

Please note that a public IP address can be provided only by your regional ISPs.

Best regards and happy holidays,
