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by anonymous
Dear Sir/Madam,

This RUTX11 running FW R_00.07.01- has been used mostly over 6 weeks to provide internet in case WAN internet fails.

Although the WAN interfaces is enabled in the network tab, today I am unable to get internet connection via the WAN interface. Testing confirms internet available on the LAN port of the third party cable modem but not on the RUTX!11 lan.

From FAQ it suggests Firewall may be the issue but I've purposely avoided making any changes here as its beyond my knowledge level.

From the screen grab attached of the firewall menu, general settings, zones, there is reference to WAN/REJECT and masquerading and MSS clamping enabled. Is this at all relevant and if not please could you advise further.


1 Answer

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by anonymous


If I understood your description correctly and if indeed your RUTX11 was working without any issues with 6 weeks (while issue occurred just recently), my suggestion would be to reset your router to factory default settings and reconfigure it again to a state, which you had 6 weeks ago. Especially if you have made any custom configuration on router recently, resetting device to factory default settings and starting with fresh router would be easier for you, than try to troubleshoot which setting have caused this behavior (router's WAN interface should work without any issue with default configuration. No manual changes to router's firewall are necessary for WAN interface to work). If you will want to proceed this route, device can be reset to factory default settings from "System -> Administration -> Backup" menu by pressing "Restore" button.

Meanwhile, if you were referring to possibility of reaching router remotely via its WAN IP address, this option is indeed not enabled with default configuration, but can be manually enabled from "System -> Administration -> Access Control" menu.