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by anonymous
Dear  Teltonika supporters, dear forumers,

I am using an  RUTX11 in my campervan to connect to  LTE  and to external  WiFi, and I'm looking for a solution to a problem which  I  have come across while trying to power off the system regularly to avoid unneeded battery drain during (may be rather long) periods while the campervan is not being used.

I'm afraid to not use the commands  "halt" and "poweroff" correctly, or that there may even be a bug in the system:
whenever  I  issue one of the commands (no matter whether via  CLI  browser interface or  ssh), the system does not switch off but simply does a reboot.

Is there any command parameter which  I  should use to force the system to just swith off (i.e. without rebooting)?

If there should be no such parameter, please can  Teltonika Support  take care to fix the above buggy behaviour and instead force the system to really switch off when a  "halt"  or  "poweroff" command is being issued.

Many thanks in advance and best regards


1 Answer

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by anonymous


Router does support "halt" and "poweroff" commands, but they are working differently then in standard Linux systems.
Instead of turning device off or stopping CPU process, the router will simply reboot.
Such behavior will appear as long as there power supply connected to the router.
Sorry for any inconvenience caused by these misleading commands.
Please note that RuTOS is based on OpenWRT, which means that most of commands from OpenWRT library will also be available on RUT devices,
but might not be adopted on RUT hardware.
In this case I would recommend just plugging the power cable out before leaving and plugging it back in after returning.


by anonymous
Thanks for your quick response, Paulius.
My  RUTX11  indeed is connected to the RV's  12V  with an  on/off switch  in the cabling. My current "workaround" for this shortcoming behaviour is to send a  poweroff  to the system via  SSH  from my mobile phone (using an app called "SSH Button", which works just great!), watch the  RUTX11  LEDs  while it is powering down and manually switch off with the  on/off switch when all   LEDs  have become dark.

I think this is the best way how  I  can protect the integrity of my  RuTOS, but of course quite less comfortable than the expected "regular"command functionality which would leave the router switched off after the command has been run (and have a small hardware button on the device to power up again when required ...).

Best regards
