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by anonymous

We are considering Teltomika devices for our company upgrades. Read through provided information by you but I still have questions in mind. Maybe you can help us decide.

1-If we understand correctly we can see estimate data usage in RMS under monitoring period tab but I guess it’s the internet provider data. Can we see which devices spent how much RMS data on doing what?

2-If we configure one router and copy it to other routers we have, does ip adresses clash or do we need to change it manually or how it works?

3- We have our own routers and we want to keep them and put teltonika routers behind them for backup connectivity. How we can configure that?

4-Can we limit internet data and RMS data per device? If so how?

5- I saw QoS but can we prioritize traffic on router UI and on RMS? For example rdp more important, camera and mail less important?

6-how can we scale vpn connections up to 2500 devices? Rut 950 for example, topology?


1 Answer

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by anonymous

1. Yes, the estimate data usage seen here is the mobile data. Unfortunately, comprehensive data on the “RMS data usage is not available”, but we can get the data balance and the access logs for the same on >>Services>>Connect/VPN>>Mobile Device Access Logs.

2. The routers can be configured but the possibility of IP conflict exists if they are deployed on the same network. If so, better change the IP after applying backup either manually or Via RMS server (But not in bulk)

3. Main WAN and Back up WAN to be connected to the Teltonika device and the it will provide the WAN connection to your routers, this is based on my understanding of your requirements.

Or we can use VRRP (, or many other solutions based on your requirements.

4. If the WAN connection is Sim based we can limit the total Internet data. Also the data sent to the individual WLAN, LAN ports or VLAN can be limited by using HOTSPOT functionality.. But we currently don’t have any provision to limit the RMS data.

5. Yes its possible after installing the QoS package.

6. Kindly Specify the type and whether you want it on RMS or on the device itself (What will be the VPN Server?)

Please note that our device is not designed to be a VPN Server, it can act as one with a smaller quantity, based on type of VPN.

The above answer was given based on my understanding of your query, so kindly revert back if more information is needed.


Clive Simon Victor Pinto

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by anonymous
Thanks for the answers. Now I have a clearer vision. Regarding the last question, could you paint me a topology about how we can connect for example 2500 end-devices(Teltonika) to the server? What are the vpn options? I am looking forward to understand both device side and RMS VPN hub? Can we reach and manage all devices using rms vpn? How do we scale that?
by anonymous


With regards to 2500 end-devices, the implementation requires you to have either a good VPN server (with Public IP) or you can use the RMS VPN hub as a server. The end-devices will act as the client thus connecting them all together via the server making it one closed network. But please keep in mind that RMS VPN hub is subscription based, on the data used (By the VPN clients).

Managing devices can be done with RMS regardless of the VPN but that too is subscription based (So kindly contact your area sales team regarding that), but if they are in the same VPN network they can also be accessed remotely by any device or admin in the same network (But that depends on the topology and execution)

Hope this answers your query.


Clive Simon Victor Pinto