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by anonymous

I use the Teltonika RUT955 with the latest firmware in a campers to connect to the Internet with a sim card or with the camsite Wifi.
The configuration works perfectly and the connection to the WLAN at home also works smoothly. If I now turn off the device by switch of the Batterie in a Camper, and turn it on after a while, I'm no longer able to login in into the WLAN (access point). The Wifi is not displayed by the router. I first have to hook in via the LAN interface and deactivate the wireless client configuration under Network, Wireless and then the WLAN (access point) is available again. 

Is there any hint or solution avalible? 

#955 #SSID

Router RUT955

1 Answer

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by anonymous


If you wait for the SSID to appear, does it never come up until you disable the wireless client or it manages to appear after some time?

If SSID appears after a while, then is standard router's behavior since that happens when router is scanning the added WiFi networks, while the router is doing that the WiFi service is being restarted and the router will not show a SSID until stops scanning. This can take up to 5 minutes.

If that is not the case, could try to reset the router to factory settings and just try to add the same WiFi networks to the router and see if the issue persists. The instructions for factory reset can be found on our wiki page.

Before starting the factory reset procedure you can download backup of your current configuration, which you can later reupload to the router if needed. Go to WebUI System -> Backup and look for section Backup configuration and press download. In the provided wiki link you can also find the steps for restoring the configuration from backup.

