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by anonymous

I have a RUT240 which has Mobile/LTE connection, and is also connected to an external network as client ( other wifi network ) providing internet access.

There are several devices/clients connected to the RUT240  trough it's own wireless acces point.

What I need to achieve is that one of these devices/clients is only allowed to have internet access trough the external wifi network, and thus not allowed to use mobile/LTE internet connection.

How can I achieve this?

I've tried allready to create a forward rule to block WAN access, however the WAN zone consists out of LTE/mobile, and the external wifi connection. So this needs to be split up somehow?


1 Answer

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by anonymous


Thank you for contacting us.
I would like to inform, that regarding your comment you are moving in a right direction.
In order to solve this issue, you will need to split WAN zone to a different zones.
This could be done in Network - Firewall - Zones.

First at all, please create a new zone, e.g. Mobile. After that, edit zone "WAN" by removing "mob1s1a1" from a "Covered networks":

Do not forget to save and apply configuration.

Once this done, edit you newly created zone and in "Covered networks" add "mob1s1a1" interface and save and apply configuration:

After that if your traffic rules are set correctly, devices will reach internet only from allowed WAN zones, not from mobile interface.
Hope it helps.

Best regards,
