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by anonymous
In the last few days I have installed a new RUTXR1 with the latest firmware (RUTX_R_00.07.01.2). I have connected a mobile broadband and a fixed broadband (WAN). When only the mobile broadband is active, everything works against the Internet, but when both WAN and mobile are active or only WAN, I can not use e-mail and go to control panels on web hosts and VPS on the Internet, where a port number must be entered.
On LAN, I have DHCP active. In the event log Connection, I get this message "IP Block No entry found for IP (" I get this regardless if I use WiFi or cable, the IP address is in the DHCP range.

1 Answer

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by anonymous


Is your WAN interface set to acquire its IP settings via DHCP or is it configured using static protocol? Generally, it is required to configure not only the WAN IP address and netmask but also the gateway and DNS servers (can be gateway in some cases). Please let me know how you've configured the WAN interface (sanitize any sensitive information if needed or replace it with private IPv4 address for an example)

In addition, if it is not a WAN-interface related issue, please generate a troubleshoot file and send it over to me via private message, I'll take a closer look at your configuration settings.

What's a troubleshoot file and how to generate it?

A Troubleshoot file contains the device's event logs, configuration files and other information useful for diagnostics. It can be downloaded from your device's WebUI, Troubleshoot page:

System → Administration → Troubleshoot 

Best regards,
