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by anonymous

next problem.

I have now the OpenVPN server running on my RUT240. I also install the OpenVPN Connect software (Windows).

This software didn't let me do any configuration, I can only enter an URL or import a file.

Is this URL the URL of the RUT240? And get the Client all the data there? Inclusive secret? Can't belive.

Is there a chance to configure a Win7/W>in10 laptop with some software so there is a connection available and if yes, how to do?

With best regards (and some level of desparation)

by anonymous

Good Day,

May i know if you have uploaded both the files ca and client certificate files to the openvpn client you created?

Try to follow step by step guide here :

Also is it possible to share configurations you have made on the both sides and the TS file of the device .


What is the firmware on the device?


2 Answers

0 votes
by anonymous


Thank you for contacting us.
I would like to inform that in order to use OpenVPN connect you must have .ovpn configuration file.
Full detailed information how to create this file, could be found in OpenVPN page.

Another way to connect your computer with router is to use OpenVPN GUI.
Detailed instruction how to connect devices if computer are a server, could be found in this link.
Detailed instruction how to connect devices if computer are a server, could be found in this link.
Hope it helps.

Best regards,


by anonymous


thanks for the answer.

OpenVPN GUI: I installed the latest version with is 3.something and this looks quite different. No chance to do some customization. Ok, I will try the 2.something.

I read a lot of documents over night. Here my problems:

  • Some documents discribe ovpn-files which were generated on the server. VPN-providers send it to you and you can setup a client. ==> If the RUT240 is the server, I need to create this file on the router, but how. Ok, maybe I can create all this keys and certificates and have to edit the .ovpn-file. I dont find a method to do so.
  • There is an article by Teltonika which describes how to generate all this stuff on a Windows computer. Maybe the server part is created too. Where should I place this files on the RUT240? And, the OpenVPN Connect version 3.something looks quite different, so I cant't follow the instructions in this article. Maybe the old version helps out.
I use this links/articles:
With best regards
by anonymous


to the guy responsible to update articles.

How to generate TLS certificates (Windows)? - Teltonika Networks Wiki (

Here the 'vars.bat' file is edited.


After installation of OpenVPN GUI and the first steps, there is NO vars.bat file. There is a vars.example file, which should be edited and renamed to vars.bat. Unfortunately, there were a lot of settings in not described here. Especially the settingfs described here needed othe settings to be done, otherwise they didn't work out.

Maybe you can clearify this step, thanks a lot.

With best regards


by anonymous

it may have worked out. There were a lot of errors about the '#' character in the vars.bat file, no idea if this is ok or not. Maybe there should be a note in the articel about that.

I created some clients, not only one, cause there were more than one laptop to connect to my router RUT240. Ony one at a time but some different laptops from different people.

I get a key-pair for each of them.

Ok, the private key goes to the ovpn-file for each laptop, but whats to do with all that sever keys?

Now I will try to establish a connection for my laptop, will see what happens next.

With best regards

by anonymous


so I am down the road and done everything as described and checked carefully, but no success.

I get some error message, looks like something is still missing.

It seems, that the dyndns-Trick works out, so one error-source less.

I prepared everything as described no idea, where to check for mistakes.

Have to leave now, but can continoue in the evening. Will try to find out how to get a log or trace on the router and from the OpenVPN-client. 

With best regards


0 votes
by anonymous
Hello Ahmed,

the .cert and .key files I generated with easy-rsa on a windows PC were loaded in the RUT240, no error message, and I build up a .ovpn file using the ca and the clients .crt and .key files.

I can not figure out, which version of OpenVPN is able to work with RUT240. My FW is the latest I get from Teltonika web page.

I found out, that the newest OpenVPN software (now called OpenVPN Connect) didn't install easy-rsa. This should be noted down in the article. You have to install an older version or you should get easy-rsa from another source. And, which version of easy-rsa is the correct one to work with RUT240. I think, the article needs some updates !!!

First I tried to establish TAP with TCP, failed I tried TAP with UDP, failed but error looks different. Then I tried TUN and UDP but I do some missconfiguration and my RUT 240 crashed.

I do a reset to factory defaults now (first time with new FW) and start over again.

I will provide the infos asap.

With best regards

by anonymous

I generated a TS file now, but how to send? The buttons to add files missing here.

With best regards

by anonymous
So, send a private message to Mr. Sigitas with the trouble shoot file of RUT240
by anonymous
So, send a private message to Mr. Sigitas with log from the client.
by anonymous

I did some additional tests over the last days to ensure, everything is ok:

1.) I opened an account at, which cames with three free connections. I tried to connect my PC I used for testing and I get a valid connection (using the supplied .ovpn file). ==> Firewall, Proxies whathever else didn't block connections to the VPN port.

2.) I ping my dyndns name I set up and get exactly the IP back, I found on the RUT240 status page. ==> dyndns resolves the IP address correct.

==> I am pretty sure, that a packet send from the OpenVPN GUI can arrive the server running inside the RUT240.

3.) I shut down the mobile internet on the RUT240 and try to connect. Now I get the 'Unknown error ( ...22). ==> so there is a difference between Mobile internet on and off, one more hint, that data packets can reach the server.

With best regards

by anonymous

As per attached file i see in logs you are occupying private IP on MOBSA1 and dyndns doesn't works with private IP address.

Mon Feb 14 10:50:01 2022 daemon.notice netifd: mob1s1a1_4 (17433): udhcpc: sending renew to

Further for OPEN VPN have you followed the guide i shared

Did you uploaded/ copied the ca and client certificate both to the windows client ?

Also may i know what firmware you are using on device ?

Have you tried to use the latest?

by anonymous

so, I changed the dyndns setting on the RUT240. The address source is now set to public. I get the public address from what ever and I try to connect.

I get the Unknown error (10022).

Log of the client included.

With best regards


Oh, can#t add a file, so see private messages ...
by anonymous

Please share the configurations you made on both the sides.

Also share the complete TS file, the error 10022 doesn't seems to be open VPN error. Please share a topology of your solution also if possible.

Will be waiting for response from your side.
