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1,499 views 8 comments
by anonymous

It appears that the RUT240 uses around 90% of its RAM when running either firmware 14.5 or 7.01.2, even after a factory reset.

Further to that, in firmware 14.5, while the OS GUI shows only 44% RAM used, the CLI 'free -m' shows 90.5% used.

Under firmware 7.01.2 the RAM usage is equally high at 89%, but this is matched in the CLI 'free -m' result of 89%.

So I have a couple of questions:

1. Why is the RAM use so high under either firmware, when the device is factory reset so doing very little? This clearly has an impact on device performance once we load our full config with an OVPN connection up.

2. In firmware 14.5, is the CLI 'free -m' result accurate (which I presume it is), so is that a bug in the GUI memory usage result?

by anonymous
It appears I might misunderstand the CLI output, as the 'free RAM' calculated from the GUI 'Memory Usage' doesnt match the ''free -m' command output. But comparing the 'used' column output, it looks like firmware 14.5 may be accurate, but firmware 7.01.2 may be wrong in the GUI???

For example using the firmware 14.5 images, the GUI shows 44% RAM used, and taking the used column of the CLI 'free -m' command, we see 27180 out of 61024 used, which equals 44% also.

However, using the firmware 7.01.2 images, the GUI shows 89.3% RAM used, but taking the used column of the CLI 'free -m' command, we see 26760 out of 59972 used, which equals 44.62%??? This is also quite close to the 14.5 firmware result....

This would suggest that the 7.01.2 firmware GUI indication of the RAM used is quite wrong (hopefully)??
by anonymous
Any thoughts on this mods? Can you recreate what I'm seeing?

5 Answers

+2 votes


The usage RAM percentage shown on WebUI is not wrong. Operating system is borrowing unused memory for disk caching, this makes it look like it’s running low on memory, but not.

Disk caching makes the system run faster. There are no downsides. If your applications want more memory, they will take it back from disk cache borrowed. Disk cache can always be given back to applications.

A healthy Linux system can show the following harmless behavior:

  • free memory is close to 0.
  • used memory is close to total
  • available memory has enough room
  • swap used does not change

A warning signs of a genuine low memory situation are:

  • available memory is close to zero
  • swap used increases or fluctuates

For more details you can check this link.


Best answer
by anonymous
Hi Antony, thanks for your reply. As per my post above of Feb 16, so are you saying that the GUI showing 89% RAM usage is normal?? And that it is also normal at the same time, for the free -m command to show only 44% RAM usage??

Or is Teltonika now using a different method of calculating 'free' RAM, which is leading to this confusion? Could I suggest that to avoid the GUI giving the impression that the system has barely enough RAM to work, that Teltonika use the free-m 'available memory' result to populate the GUI; The article that you referenced suggestes that this would give a much more accurate idea of the memory available for use by the applications/
by anonymous


I think you are misinterpreting the output of the command free -m. There is another graph in the command's output called free, which, in my testing, returns correct value compared to the shown percentage of available RAM in the WebUI. Also, the graph in the WebUI, displaying used memory includes used and buffered/cached memory. That, I think, is the mismatch you have mentioned.

Best regards,


0 votes

RAM is supposed to be used in higher amounts in the new RutOS than in the legacy RutOS. This should be normal behavior between versions.

by anonymous
Thanks for your thoughts but Im not sure that's the answer. In the mess that was my initial post I perhaps didn't explain the problem clearly.

The issue is that in firmware 7.01.2 there is a major difference between the 'used RAM' shown in the GUI (89.3%) and the used RAM shown in the CLI when you run the 'free -m' command (26760 out of 59972 used = 44.62%), as can be seen in the lower two images above.

So the question is, which one is right????

While I wouldnt be surprised if the new 7.01.2 RUTOS uses more RAM than 1.14.5, I would hope that it wouldnt consume 89% of the RAM when in the factory reset state, otherwise the router wouldnt be able to do much else without failing.

It is interesting firmware 7.01.2 firmwares 'free -m' result of 44.62% is quite close to the 'free -m' result under firmware 1.14.5 as well (44%).

But the question remains; which firmware 7.01.2 output is showing the true value of RAM used?????

I have replicated the scenario and it looks that indeed there is a difference in the way % RAM it's now been calculated. RnD will investigate the issue. Thanks for highlighting this matter.


by anonymous
Hi Anthony. I have to agree with Kame below; this issue still has NOT been fixed in the latest firmware 7.02, and thats now 2 firmware releases where it hasnt been fixed.

Can you provide an update on when this will be resolved please??
0 votes
by anonymous
Same problem with FW RUT2_R_00.07.01.4
+1 vote
by anonymous
With new firmware (RUT2_R_00.07.02) RAM is always at 82-84%  (before with it was 44%).

why this problem not solved with new FW version?

Furthermore, the MQTT part has been eliminated...
by anonymous

Regarding MQTT:

  • Please check Package manager. You might need to download it.
  • Make sure you are in the Advanced mode in the WebUI.
  • When updating firmware, turn Keep settings option off.

Best regards,


0 votes
by anonymous
HI, with the new FW RUT2_R_00.07.02.1 of 06/06/22 the RAM  "problem" is still existing, it seems to have further increased the consumption of RAM memory (about 89% now).  

Please is it possible to get an answer from Teltonika to its customers?  thanks