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by anonymous
Dear Friends,

I have an application that sends SMS notifications using TRB255 via RS232 connection. Sometimes it happens that a single message does not reach one of the recipients. I need to know when the TRB255 modem is sending messages to compare the information from my application. Where can I read the information when the modem sent the SMS? There is no entry in the logs :(

1 Answer

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by anonymous


You should be able to view logs in the Gateway WebUI. To do this, you must change the mode from "Basic" to "Advance". Then you can access Status→Logs→Event Logs. Here you can view when SMS have been sent, and to which numbers SMS have been sent. Here you have more information about viewing logs.

You can also view the logs by access through ssh into your Gateway, and apply the "logread" command. It will show all the events occurring on your gateway. If you want to filter the response you can apply the command "logread | grep sms".

by anonymous


WebUI shows only SMS sent by WebUI (Services > Mobile Utilites > Messages > Send messages)

logread | sms shows:

Nothing about sent SMS.

My app use AT commands to send messenges:

serialport.WriteLine("AT+CMGS=" + len.ToString() + "\r");

serialport.WriteLine(msg + (char)(26));

by anonymous


I was doing some research on the supported AT commands. Currently the TRB255s use the Quectel LTE EC25 modem, for this modem there is a guide to the commands that can be used for the different functions. Here I attach the link to the manual. In section 9 "Short Message Service Commands" you can find the commands related to sms. I think you can use List messages or SMS event report configuration.

Let me know if this information was useful to see the messages sent by the modem. 

by anonymous

My app sends SMS (about serveral times a day) like in the manual, but i don't see any entry in List messenges or Events log. The Event reporting tab allows only to configure the SMS reciving event. It's not allow to configure SMS sending.

Any ideas?
by anonymous
Upon further investigation, it is not possible to activate logs for the Quectel LTE EC25 modem.

Therefore, I think you can also be guided by the response of the AT commands after their execution. For example, after sending the message through the "AT+CMGS=" command, you receive a "+CMGS=" confirmation, and then an "OK". You can use some method to read the serial port and verify these responses after sending your message. Reading what the AT commands return will help you to debug your app, that because each response is different depending on the type of command and error.