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by anonymous

I've got a simple problem but have no idea how to fix:

Actual I use WAN from the RUTXR1 (actual software 7.01.4) with DHCP, everything is fine.

Now I want to switch to use with a PPPoE Modem. I change to PPPoE, enter User and Password and the connection keeps stopped. When I look to the settings of WAN I see that user / password is empty. I can't store there any data, after "apply" the field is empty again. I tried Friefox and Chrome, no change :-(

Am I to stupid?

Regards, Dirk

1 Answer

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by anonymous


This is a known bug introduced with firmware version 07.01.2. We're currently working on a fix to patch up the issue. 

If you'd like to continue using this (or newer) firmware version and make PPPoE work until the hotfix is out, you may try to set the PPPoE values using "uci" commands via CLI (SSH). Please note, however, that any change to the PPPoE interface settings in the WebUI will result in username/password values becoming empty again.

The relevant uci PPPoE configuration commands should be the following:

uci set network.<PPPoE_Interface_Name>.username=''

uci set network.<PPPoE_Interface_Name>.password='yourpassword'

uci commit network && /etc/init.d/network reload

Make sure to enter the name of the interface without the <> brackets.

To login to the router via CLI, please follow this procedure as described on our wiki page here: RUTXR1_CLI

Best regards,


Best answer
by anonymous
Thanks a lot, it is working fine.

When you know about this problem why is there no Information in the release notes?
by anonymous
Using the command can make PPPoE up and be able to get the internet. However, it is not stable when using the 'pppoe' protocol.

If ping the router's IP and test speed with 'speedtest' at the same time, I can see the ping will break down sometime. But when using the DHCP on wan, then no issue.
by anonymous
Hi, at my routers (2x RUTXR1) PPPoE is working fine.

ping und speedtest same time ok