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315 views 4 comments
by anonymous
"gsmctl -S -l all" shows wrong chronological order, see output below.

But the most ciritcal problem is:
"gsmctl -S -l all" is hanging endless when a SMS has special chars in text (this is also with gsmctl -S -r <index>)

root@womorouter:~# gsmctl -S -r 1
Index: 1
Date: 2022-03-06 00:04:15
Status: read
Text: weboff

root@womorouter:~# gsmctl -S -r 2
Index: 2
Date: 2022-03-10 21:23:38
Status: read
Text: aaaaaa

root@womorouter:~# gsmctl -S -r 3
Index: 3
Date: 2022-03-10 21:43:48
Status: read
Text: bbbbbb

root@womorouter:~# gsmctl -S -r 4
Index: 4
Date: 2022-03-10 21:47:41
Status: read
Text: dddddd

root@womorouter:~# gsmctl -S -r 5
no message

root@womorouter:~# gsmctl -S -r 6
Index: 6
Date: 2022-02-24 18:19:40
Status: read
Text: switch_sim

root@womorouter:~# gsmctl -S -r 7
Index: 7
Date: 2022-02-24 18:22:43
Status: read
Text: switch_sim

root@womorouter:~# gsmctl -S -r 8                  ---> this is hanging endless due to äüö...(special chars)

In WebUI (SMS Management) the ordering is ok, since the first column is the date column and proper sort the sms.
How can I get the latter / most recent SMS ?
How the special-char-hang-issue could be solved (this comes from automatic roaming-mails) ?

Many thx.

2 Answers

0 votes
by anonymous


Can you let us know what model is the device you are using? I tried it on a RUT955 with the latest firmware and it doesn't present this issue with characters like ä.

It it recommended to update your firmware to the latest available. 

FW & SDK Downloads - Teltonika Networks Wiki (

by anonymous

Hi, yes, sorry, it's RUT955 with Firmware (00.07* Firmware I had too many issues I cannot tell here).

I tested now again,  and start from using a free sms-stack (0 sms):

root@womorouter:~# gsmctl -S -t 
Used: 0
Total: 255
root@womorouter:~# gsmctl -S -l all

--> now I send the char ä a sms from my handy to my router and then the gsmctl -S -r hangs (work well with ascii-chars up to 127d):
root@womorouter:~# gsmctl -S -t 
Used: 1
Total: 255
root@womorouter:~# gsmctl -S -r 1

...hanging endless...

by anonymous


I'm trying to replicate the scenario with a RUT955 with the latest firmware (RUT9_R_00.07.01.2) and it doesn't create the same problem with characters like ä:


Please, try to use the command "/etc/init.d/gsmd restart" to restart the service and wait for a few seconds. In case the problem persists after this, you can try reflashing the firmware going to option System > Firmware > Update Firmware > Flash New Firmware Image. You can download the legacy firmware image on the following wiki page.

RUT955 Firmware Downloads (legacy WebUI) - Teltonika Networks Wiki (

Also, since the problem doesn't show on webUI, you should also check the program you are using to connect to CLI. In my case, I'm using putty and it needs to be configured to read those special characters. 

by anonymous

Thx for this answer.

>>> Please, try to use the command "/etc/init.d/gsmd restart" to restart the service and wait for a few seconds
I even did fresh reboot and firmware-reflashing...
I'm using RMS built-in ssh-connection for above commands. Curious is, that after pressing "Return" the command comes back. In some cases the command immediately comes back (of course with no output since sms has just the char ä):

root@womorouter:~# gsmctl -S -r 1
root@womorouter:~# gsmctl -S -r 1                     --- need to press return to get prompt

root@womorouter:~# gsmctl -S -r 1                     --- need to press return to get promp

root@womorouter:~# gsmctl -S -r 1                     --- need to press return to get promp

root@womorouter:~# gsmctl -S -r 1
root@womorouter:~# gsmctl -S -r 1                     --- need to press return to get promp

root@womorouter:~# gsmctl -S -r 1                     --- need to press return to get promp

root@womorouter:~# gsmctl -S -r 1

by anonymous

This issue has been reported to RnD.
0 votes
by anonymous

when I send a SMS to the RUT955 (Firmware 06.09.2) the characters ä,ö,ü and ß are not shown in the SMS Management.

SMS-Text on mobile phone: Aaä, Ee, Ii, Ooö, Uuü, Ssß, !&?@/*
SMS-Text on RUT955: Aa�, Ee, Ii, Oo, Uu, Ss�, !&?@/*

So if I use one of this characters in the admin password, it is not possible to send commands via SMS!

Kind regards,