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+2 votes
231 views 3 comments
by anonymous

We've two deployed RUTX12 units. Both are running FW RUTX_R_00.07.01.4 (latest). Both are running two SIMs in a load balancing configuration.

We're experiencing the same issue with both units and RMS:

  1. SIM 2 doesn't show up or report any data to RMS. Both units are running two SIMs so they should appear.
  2. Charts on RMS app show 'No information about this device' for all metrics for both units.

Is this an known issue? I've tried factory reset on both units.

1 Answer

+1 vote

Sorry for the delay. We are aware of this issue on RUTX12 and work is underway to resolve it. Unfortunately we do not have an estimated time for now.

by anonymous

Any updates on a fix for RUTX12 and RMS? The same issues remain with FW RUTX_R_00.07.02.4

  1. SIM 2 doesn't show up or report any data to RMS. Both units are running two SIMs so they should appear.
  2. Charts on RMS app show 'No information about this device' for all metrics for both units.

by anonymous
Same request - all statistics in RMS are limited to one SIM, so the RUTX12 with two active modems is not reporting properly

In particular I think that it is critical that both SIMs signal strength and mobile data sent/received are charted in the RMS Metrics section. Other information like Operator, Mobile IP and Connection state would be nice.
by anonymous
Such an obvious and problematic bug and still STILL no fix and no estimate? Not good.