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by anonymous
Ive beem having issues setting up the Rutx11 as client  with an ip camera. been tearing my hair out trying to configure the 1.wan to , 2.wifi as wan , to 3. 4g  failover setup . I finally had it working in the lastest firmware by firstly going back to 7,0 firmware setting up then upgrading firmware but with settings saved . I then tried to set the camera up on lan port which it quite hapily runs on if you just have it say with no failover etc set from a fresh factory reset.  The issue is the camera disappears from any access via a laptop connected to the any of the other lan ports , or the rutx wifi , hotspot or the hotspot of the Acces Point which im networking the NVR recording to. Just on a basic level the camera becomes blocked from any access through the router even through the wan port wired back toone of the lan ports of main router goes dead after saving final config yet it runs when unconfigured. Ive tried the firewall vpn , ip passthrough , creating a default profile everything. Ive seen videos and wiki of older models running with hikvision but wonder why despite using the rutx series with  with cameras on the dakar truck and the basketball stream there is no video actually outlining the setup process for the rutx 11 eg,. The problem being i have a timeline and had high hopes in teltonika being better than competitors and had been recommending it to others . I still believe this despite the issues.

2 Answers

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by anonymous

I need to understand the issue a little better. From what I understand, you are having some issues after updating the firmware, and connecting to the camera on any router port, right?. If so, could you share with me some kind of diagram with IPs? Maybe also information about protocols used by the camera and its brand. By explaining the situation a bit more I can help you.
by anonymous
Hi thanks for trying to help the firmware issue was mainly to do with difficulty in setting wifi credentials of the access point within the rutx11. the latest firmware seems more reluctant to join certain acceess points. after my work around of reverting to 7.00 saving wifi then upgrading but with changes saved the wifi works if tested independently, so does the wan and 4g but as soon as you set the failover and set order in both failover and interfaces tab and save changes , all comms with camera gone . i tried a restart etc nothing . the ip ranges are fine no clashes etc . basically im looking to do similar to whats in the links in comments to follw shortly . hope they help emphasise the need for doing this on the rutx11 witth the lastest firmware , not leaving us to try to interpret videos on older models/firmware and try to apply to rutx series running latest firmware
by anonymous
When you refer to access points, do you mean cameras? There should be no problem with the newer firmware with this configuration. Can you identify the IP of the camera? Validate that the LAN is within the same subnet.

I don't know how you are accessing the camera either. In the link, you use a mobile public IP and port forwarding to access it. Are you using this configuration? Did you verify that the provider's IP is a public IP? If you are using Failover to a WAN that may be the problem. Because maybe the wired WAN does not offer a public IP.

In case you are not using the public IP to access the camera. Do you just connect to the wifi network and connect to the equipment? You can validate your machine's IP before and after you make the failover change.

As I tell you above. I need to understand the situation better to be able to help you. Can you tell me the IPs of the LAN and camera?
by anonymous
Thanks again  for your reply . I got a delayed notification to answer via email for some reason.  Anyway the cameras Ip for the test was (hikvision default) , RUTX  11was , long range AP wavcom ac600 was and main router . This will not be the final config but it was to check everything works without clashes. the IP being public forwarde or not made no difference . just try to visualize the router rutx11 before setup and camera connected to lan 1 ,it allows access to cameras web inrterface via any pc on lan / wifi network of main modem / router which is connected by ethernet cable wan port  of rutx .Also access by  laptop in lan port 2 or 3 of rutx or connected to wifi of rutx  Itself. After  any attempt to set the failover as desired  and save as default profile , camera access disappears from all points mentioned before. I did have the connections failing over seamlessly for internet access to laptop  [including 4g]  at lan2 on rutx after many instances of hanging screen saving changes and restarting the unit after changes which i dont believe is / should be standard but that and/or making changes under 7.00 then upgrading to 7.1.4 firmware but with changes saved seemed to work for just that stage till i attempted to connect  the camera . the problem being when you have to keep trying different stuff and theres no " undo last change" button its sometimes easier to factory reset the rutx . which leads to starting from scratch .  A new video outling the setup of the rutx -- series rquired esp for ip cams and multi failover , its things like a better explanation of when / how to setv" flush connections" in failover setup that would make things easier . Im not a total beginnerwith this sort of stuff but every brand different but i chose teltonika because its better features didnt seem tied to paid subscription like other brands and the existence of this forum and the wiki page for support . now hoping  it wasnt a bad choice.
by anonymous


When you configure Failover there should be no disconnection of the camera. This is because Failover is designed to change your WAN interface, in case one of these fails. In other words, it works as a backup for the internet interface. Therefore it does not change any kind of configuration on the LAN, which is where your devices are connected. As this does not change, the IP of the camera does not change either. You should not lose access to it. As I said, if you have other settings such as Portforwarding, public IP access, it may be affected by failover. 

If you want, you can send me the troubleshooting file before and after setting the failover. That is, before losing the connection to the camera and after. Just to check interfaces after the change. You can download this via System→Administration→Troubleshoot.

On the other hand, if you need to go back to a certain configuration after making some changes. You can do two things. One is to create a default configuration which you can do via System→Backup. After making the default configuration, you can go back to it by simply selecting Restore to user defaults on this screen. Another thing you could do on this same screen is to download the backup file of the device, with the settings that are currently made. If you have any kind of issues with the device, you can upload it on this same screen and it will be restored to its downloaded configuration. For more information about these functions, I leave you this link.

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by anonymous

I am also facing same issue, If you found any helpful guide, Please let me know. Thanks

by anonymous

ive been trying to apply the steps here to the rutx11 and its latest firmware in the absence of a new video dedicated to the rutx series . hope it works for you