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by anonymous

for diagnostic purposes o the main router I have to access a in a remote network managed by a RUT955.

The RUT955 is currently connected to WAN via a fallback-simcard, the device I am trying to reach is a satellite modem that is probably affected by the breach in Viasat KA-Sat Network (#thanksalotputin). The sim card is an IoT-sim with static IP, but the connection is not too stable. Is there a possibility to route through to the configration page of the failed sat modem? RMS-management would also be available.

Thanks for the support!

1 Answer

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by anonymous

I would like to understand the situation a little better to help you. You want to log in from your RUT955 with a sim card with static IP to a satellite modem, correct? Is your RUT955 connected to the modem? If it is connected, which interface is it connected on? Can you share with me some diagrams or IPs? If the modem is not connected to your RUT955, the modem must have public IP to be able to access it. With more information, I can help you.
by anonymous

Hi, thanks for yout answer. Here is a diagram of the network

This is the configuration on the WebUI of the RUT955, Viasat Modem is the primary internet connetion on 1. WAN:

by anonymous

To understand the diagram a little more. The blue line that connects the RUT955 to the modem, is it a LAN connection, or what kind of interface? I can't see well in the image the LAN IP of the RUT955, but I can see that it is, maybe? If it is that, and you have a LAN connection to the modem. You will not be able to access the modem because its IP is on another network. You must configure the LAN IP of the RUT955 as for example, to be able to access the Modem from the RUT955 or any computer connected to the RUT955.