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by anonymous

Is there any way to debug the "data to server" functionality through CLI?


3 Answers

0 votes
by anonymous
tcpdump is a good low level tool.
by anonymous
BTW, it has been the only way I have found to debug what is beeing sent via HTTP to my Dots Server.
By snooping traffic to a PCAP file I can then open this file with Wireshark to analyse what is going on.
This way I can see what the data_to_server is sending and in what format.
0 votes
by anonymous
Is tried to use tcpdump, but that is really low level.

Isn't there any command like "azure_iothub" in which you can see what this specific service is doing?
by anonymous
Depends on, how the mqtt stuff is implemented by TELTONIKA.

When connecting AWS-IoT to a RUT955, i.e. using mosquitto, there is a debug option, I use.

Or implement special debug code into the LUA stuff, doing the comms to AWS-IOT.

However, I run official openwrt on the RUT955, which is much easier to customize for special app.
0 votes
by anonymous

I am using a TRB255.

To debug with mosquitto you must first have the connection working to mosquitto

They must some kind of package that runs code for the "data to server" functionality internally, my question is if there is a debug interface through command line to at least see the state/log of when the "data to server" function is doing. Now it is really a black box, it would be great to have a status of this function.