Thanks Anton. Sorry about the misunderstanding for the file. I have changed things around since the last screenshot trying to make something work so here are the files.
You can see in the Interfaces that it must be connected to the outside wifi as there is a little data going back and forth but yet it shows stopped? Unfortunately where I am at the moment I do not have access to the providing router to see if it shows up. We will be moving for the next two days so I will not be able to work on this but when we stop I will be able to check both ends.
As for the topology. As mentioned this is for an RV so we will want to stop at an RV park and be able to connect the router to the wifi there, whatever it is, this will, obviously, change and I would like it to be a simple process. That will be the wan side along with an eventual cellular connection. The lan side will be a constant which could be anything out of the norm, right now it is set to The goal is to have all of our electronics connected to this router so that it provides a buffer to the outside world and there is only one thing to change as we change locations.
DHCP. This router will need to be a DHCP server for all that is connected in the RV. I do not want to relay from the outside wifi access points. It was a question as to whether I needed that extra relay package for what I want to do or if that is only for relaying DHCP.
Hopefully that makes sense. We have an existing router in the motorhome which does not have cellular capabilities and I am not happy with its performance in the wifi world either so I am trying to do an upgrade and saw some videos of this unit being sold in the UK for this purpose.
I could swear that before I upgraded the firmware there was a setting for using wifi as wan but I can not find that anywhere in this firmware. I also am sure that I saw a firewall zone for wwan which this firmware did not have. I created one in the attempt to make something work but it does not seem to have made any difference.
Thank you for your help. I hope this images look better after they post than they do now...