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by anonymous

I have connected to the network via wifi as wan and the router is able to connect to the internet as it checked for updates and downloaded them. I am currently up the the most recent firmware (RUT9_R_00.07.01.4). I can not get any data throughput through the router. I am pretty sure I have the wireless setup correctly as the MesaCrabShack is the access point with the internet. Please tell me what I am doing wrong. Why under Network Interfaces does it show the service as stopped?

by anonymous
Anyone have any other insight as to why I don't have an option for wwan or why it shows running in one place but not in the other? Any help would be greatly appreciated. I have reset this thing so many times because I made the wrong switch and couldn't log back in...

1 Answer

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by anonymous

Hi, you can see an example of setting up a router as a wifi client at the link -

and be sure to have different subnets on Wifi WAN and LAN.

To understand the full picture, post a screenshot of the Network - Wireless section.

Best regards, Anton

by anonymous
Thank you for that. I am using this for my RV so I do not want to disable the DHCP. Do I still need to use the relay program? I do have attachments there showing the Network-Wireless section.
by anonymous

Hi, check it out for yourself, the screenshot is called NetworkWireless, but it shows Status Network Wireless.

Can you describe what topology you want to end up with? What IP should be on WAN and LAN interfaces?

Sorry, I didn't understand, do you need a DHCP Relay and don't know how to enable it? Or are you asking me if you need to use it?

Best regards, Anton

by anonymous

Thanks Anton. Sorry about the misunderstanding for the file. I have changed things around since the last screenshot trying to make something work so here are the files.

You can see in the Interfaces that it must be connected to the outside wifi as there is a little data going back and forth but yet it shows stopped? Unfortunately where I am at the moment I do not have access to the providing router to see if it shows up. We will be moving for the next two days so I will not be able to work on this but when we stop I will be able to check both ends.

As for the topology. As mentioned this is for an RV so we will want to stop at an RV park and be able to connect the router to the wifi there, whatever it is, this will, obviously, change and I would like it to be a simple process. That will be the wan side along with an eventual cellular connection. The lan side will be a constant which could be anything out of the norm, right now it is set to The goal is to have all of our electronics connected to this router so that it provides a buffer to the outside world and there is only one thing to change as we change locations. 

DHCP. This router will need to be a DHCP server for all that is connected in the RV. I do not want to relay from the outside wifi access points. It was a question as to whether I needed that extra relay package for what I want to do or if that is only for relaying DHCP.

Hopefully that makes sense. We have an existing router in the motorhome which does not have cellular capabilities and I am not happy with its performance in the wifi world either so I am trying to do an upgrade and saw some videos of this unit being sold in the UK for this purpose.

I could swear that before I upgraded the firmware there was a setting for using wifi as wan but I can not find that anywhere in this firmware. I also am sure that I saw a firewall zone for wwan which this firmware did not have. I created one in the attempt to make something work but it does not seem to have made any difference.

Thank you for your help. I hope this images look better after they post than they do now...


by anonymous

Hello Kerry. In Your case, the setup will be quite simple and the use of DHCP Relay is not necessary.

Let's start with the fact that the router will be reset to the default settings, that is, in the "out of the box" state.

After that, in the LAN interface settings, change the ip address of the router to something unique (so that the network on the LAN interface does not intersect with the network on the WAN interface, and your WAN-Wifi networks will be different). Your option is fine, but there is a chance that you will connect to a Wifi network with this addressing. I would choose for example as the ip address of the router and the appropriate range for DHCP.

Next, follow the steps from the previously sent instructions - from the RUT2 header to the Relay and DHCP Server header.

For the router to work as a Wifi client, nothing more is required.

In your screenshots, the WWAN interface was created automatically when you connected to Wifi, or did you add it manually? The interface should be generated automatically and will be named as you specified Name of the new network.

There is still the possibility of additional authorization if you connect to a public hotspot. This can be checked by connecting to Wifi with a smartphone.

Best regards, Anton

by anonymous
I am pretty sure that is exactly what I did the first time. I will try it again tomorrow. The issue I have is when it says to enable wifi as wan. I can not find that setting anywhere. The WWAN you see was created by me thinking maybe the software would somehow recognize it. When I did it the first time I followed those steps but it showed up as a wired connection. I don’t understand why on one page it shows as running and the other page shows as stopped? Also that it shows some data exchanging hands from the router to the access point but nothing to the computer. I started thinking it is a firewall issue which is when I created the wwan however I am struggling trying to understand the accept, reject and what ever the other option was for in and out. I am not in front of the screen so I can’t tell you the exact verbiage.

Really appreciate your help on this and I am really hoping there is some switch that I haven’t found that will clarify this whole thing! Like that wifi as wan switch!

by anonymous

I don't know what I did the last time but it seems to be working. There is still no wireless wan but there is throughput so that is a success. I am a bit disappointed to see the loss of throughput... I was getting 80Mbs down connected directly to the local wifi but when I ran it through the Rutex it dropped to about 20 Mbs... That and the fact that this will likely not work well with some of the public wifi's may mean that I will have to return this and move to Pepwave or Wifi Ranger which apparently have put more time into this side of the market. I was really hopeful when I saw the video from Rutex but they are apparently not really focusing on that.

Thanks again for your time. I really am wondering if it had something to do with the router where I started working on this more than what I did wrong... That was just too easy.

by anonymous
Hello Kery, are you sure that it's not the wifi network or the noisiness of the air in the 2.4Gh range. Speeds of 25-35 Mbps are typical for this range. You can "squeeze out" more, but you have to try very hard. Judging by your screenshots, you have RUT9 series - 950, 955 or 956. And RUTX series devices already have support for wifi 5Ghz and, accordingly, a connection speed of up to 867 Mbps.

Best regards, Anton
by anonymous
Hi Anton,

Yes it is the 955. I have it connected to the wan port right now and the first time I did it was terrible, about 9 Mbs. I just tried it again and it came up to 37 which I am ok with but when I connect to the access point I have 87 Mbs. Since it is connected to the wan I would think it would be better than that. Not sure what to think. I can imagine a 50% decrease with wifi repeating but the 75% I saw and the 50+% now seems high. All of the tests through the computer have been over wifi.

by anonymous
:) The main thing is that you managed to set it up. And the speed over WiFi, like any radio communication, depends on a huge number of factors.

Best regards, Anton