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by anonymous

I need to have possibility to send SMS with alarm description by exchenging informations betwin SCADA and GSM module via rs232 port (AT commands).

The problem is GSM module cannot be in the same room that SCADA serwer is.

Is it possible to create virtual port that will change ethernet protocol to rs232 port?
by anonymous
Hi Marcin,

I am not quite sure if i understood your solution, could please verify if i got it right?

You have a SCADA software running on a computer, this software needs to communicate with a GSM module using RS232. The SCADA software will send SMS about alarms using your GSM module, but you cant make a direct wire rs232 connection because the computer with SCADA and the GSM module cant be in the same room. Right?

2 Answers

0 votes
by anonymous
That's correct.
0 votes
by anonymous
Hi Marcin,

So in that case, answering your question, yes you can translate ethernet protocol into a rs232 port, but in that case you will need a TRB142 or a RUT955. In that case, you would connect, for example, a RUT955 to your GSM Module using the RS232, and your SCADA software would send the AT commands over internet to the RUT955 IP address, and the RUT955 would send those AT commands to the GSM Module, using RS232, and vice versa, thus completing the communication, and you don't need the computer and the rut955+GSM module to be in the same room.

But, if you already have a TRB140, i'd recommend you in your case, to use its SMS gateway functionality, that way you can replace your GSM Module and reduce complexity.

Best regards.