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782 views 8 comments
by anonymous
RUTX11 - GPS - AVL stops sending data to a traccar server after 2 hours. After disabling and enabling the AVL  Service again, data is being sent again …. Until it stops again after 2 hours. Issue has been discovered with old firmware and still exists with latest firmware RUTX_R_00.07.02

Firmware version: RUTX_R_00.07.02
Firmware build date: 2022-05-19 13:10:20
Internal modem firmware version EG06ELAR03A05M4G
Kernel version 5.4.147
by anonymous
Unfortunately this issue is still not fixed in RUTX_R_00.07.02.7.

Sending GPS Data to server stopped after several hours although the GPS signal is available and the server is reachable.

5 Answers

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by anonymous


Thank you for contacting us.

I would like you to send me a troubleshoot file. Please, replicate the issue, then access router's WebUI, go to System -> Administration > Troubleshoot section and download troubleshoot file from there. Maybe something will show up in the logs that would help to understand the issue.

Best regards,


by anonymous
Hi Žygimantas,

I sent you the troubleshoot file a few weeks ago by direct message.

Are there any updates on this issue so far?

Thanks in advance & br

0 votes
by anonymous
I sent you the troubleshoot file a few weeks ago by direct message.

Are there any updates on this issue so far? GPS is not useful in that way! Pls fix this bug! - Thanks!
by anonymous
Is the issue still present with the 7.2.4 firmware?
by anonymous
"Is the issue still present with the 7.2.4 firmware?"

Yes, it is!
by anonymous

Could you provide more details about your use case? 

Is the router in motion?

Could it be that it looses the sight of the satellites and is unable to get its own location?

What is the location/placement of the antenna? 

Could you download the TCP dump package from Services -> Package manager and enable TCP dump in System -> Administration -> Troubleshoot section to monitor transmissions to/from your server to catch the disruption, then download and upload the file?

by anonymous

The router is partly in motion but issue appears also when location is fixed for longer time.

It is NOT a reception issue due to low GPS signal quality. It seems to be nearly the same issue I had with a RUT955. This device was also disrupting sending GPS data after a time. Your developer were developing a special firmware (due to old hardware / chipset) which was fixing the issue:RUT9XX_R_00.06.09.2

Please compare:

Could you download the TCP dump package from Services -> Package manager and enable TCP dump in System -> Administration -> Troubleshoot section to monitor transmissions to/from your server to catch the disruption, then download and upload the file?

I will try to that ...

by anonymous

Latest Bug with RUTX_R_00.07.02.6:

RUT X11 has established Internet Connection (I am writing this message through this connection), GPS data is available BUT, map cannot be shown, pls. see screenshot:

BTW, RUTX11 - GPS - AVL still stops sending data to a traccar server after some time, bug is still not resolved but it is getting worse.

by anonymous
The map issue is being worked on. It is set to be solved with RUTOS 7.2.7 firmware release.
0 votes
by anonymous
Unfortunately this issue is still not fixed in RUTX_R_00.07.02.7.

Sending GPS Data to server stopped after several hours although the GPS signal is available and the server is reachable.
0 votes
by anonymous
Any updates so far? Issue is still not fixed in RUTX_R_00.07.02.7!
0 votes
by anonymous
I am now using the RUTX12 additionally to the RUTX11 and even this model has the same firmware bug (in version RUTX_R_00.07.04.3):

After a few hours, the RUTX12 also stops sending GPS data via AVL. After rebooting the devices GPS data is being sent again.

Please fix this issue in the RUTX11 and RUTX12?