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by anonymous
Hello there.

Goal: I am using a RUT240 for mobile data only and am wanting to configure the RUT240 in bridge mode.

Here is my topology:

RUT240 (LAN PORT) <–> TP-ER7206 (WAN PORT)

The ER7206 is the main router and has a static IP of and also acts as the DHCP server (serves from -, again the RUT240 should only act as a bridge. The RUT is configured as follows:

- Interfaces:
    - LAN:
        Static IP:
        Enable DHCP: Disable
    - WAN:
    - WAN6:
    - MOB1S1A1:
        Protocol: Mobile
        Mode: bridge
        MAC: (ER7206 WAN Port MAC Address)

There are two issues:

    - The ER7206 does not obtain the WAN IP Address of the RUT240 unless DHCP is enabled on the LAN interface of the RUT240. This is not what I want - the DHCP server must be on the ER7206. However, this in itself appears contradictory - all RUT240 documentation specficially states that bridge mode disables the DHCP server, so why must I enable the DHCP server of the LAN interface for the ER7206 to obtain the WAN IP address?
    - Irrespective of if the ER7206 has obtained the WAN IP Address from the RUT240, or if the DHCP server is enabled or disabled on the RUT240, the RUT240 remains inaccessible via its static IP address of from any client.

Would appreciate some help please. I have uploaded the troubleshooting file if required, but as I cannot access the RUT240 when connected to the ER7206, please note that the troubleshooting file is from a topology as follows:

    RUT240 (LAN PORT) <–> MyPC (Static IP
Obviously here MyPC does not have the WAN IP address as MOB1S1A1 is bound to the MAC address of the ER7206 WAN port.

Thank you!

1 Answer

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by anonymous


The DHCP server on RUT240 is required to send the network configuration to the end device, however, I do not see how this would interfere with the DHCP server running on your TP-ER7206 as these devices would HAVE to be in different subnets and the RUT240 DHCP server would not interfere in any way with the LAN network of your TP-ER7206 device

by anonymous
Hi there,

Thank you - I assumed as much.

However, I am still left with the second issue. It is impossible for any client to access the RUT240 via it's static IP address of Do you have any suggestions on this?

Thank you!
by anonymous


If you have configured Passthrough mode, you may not be able to access the router. To access your RUT device WebUI in Passthrough mode:

  • You'll need to set up a Static IP address from RUT LAN IP addresses range on your PC with set as a default gateway.
  • If still unable to access routers Web UI, you should try to reboot RUT device.

Best regards,


by anonymous
Should I be able to access the RUT240 if it is configured in bridge mode as per the original question, or must it be configured in passthrough mode?
by anonymous

The device issued a public IP of the router will not be able to access the router in both, passthrough and bridge modes.

In order to access the router, you will need to set up a static IP address in that device. An example on how to do it using Windows 10 is provided in this link:

Best regards,


by anonymous
Yes I'm aware of setting up a static IP address, but that does not let me access it. The only way I'm ever able to access the RUT240 is by connecting the PC directly to the RUT240 and bypassing the router. Why cannot the RUT240 be accessed when connected to the router?