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by anonymous

Hi, I'm trying to install SNMP package on a RUT240 (firmware RUT2_R_00.07.01.4) but the flash memory is almost full, the only other package that I've installed is DDNS. So I looked up on the router filesystem which are the biggest files, and there are some files that are over 1 MB, some are .so files (libcrypto and libdns) the others are:

  • 1.5M /etc/default-config/config.tar.gz
  • 1.2M  /etc/profiles/default.tar.gz
  • 1.5M /overlay/upper/etc/default-config/config.tar.gz
  • 1.2M /overlay/upper/etc/profiles/default.tar.gz
  • 1.1M /tmp/.uci/ping_reboot

I guess that the tar.gzs are two files listed twice from different mounting point. The ping_reboot file is full of lines like these:


I've checked on an identical RUT240 (same firmware, and only DDNS package installed, ping reboot also enabled) and:

  • /tmp/.uci/ping_reboot is empty
  • /etc/profiles/default.tar.gz is only 25.3K
  • /etc/default-config/config.tar.gz does not exist
From the web interface of the full-memory router I noticed that there is a User's defaults configuration backup but I can't delete it, is that the /etc/default-config/config.tar.gz file? Is it safe to delete it and the /etc/profiles/default.tar.gz file from the CLI? Is the ping-reboot service writing the /tmp/.uci/ping_reboot file? Is it safe to remove also that or is there a way to rotate it?
Thank you

1 Answer

+1 vote
by anonymous

Hi Nirceo,

Those two files (config.tar.gz and default.tar.gz) are created when you create a "User default configuration", in the backup section of the settings. You can delete them by pressing the remove button on the backup settings ( ), you can also delete them using the command line without any issue.

About the /tmp/.uci/ping_reboot, it is a temporary file, the ping reboot service uses that to store temporary data that it needs. When you reboot the router, it should be gone. But i do not recommend you to delete it as the router is working because it can affect the ping reboot service.

Best regards.

Best answer
by anonymous

Thank you very much for the information how to delete the "User default configuration".
Unfortunately if I click that button a message pops up that "An unexpected error occured", even after another reboot.

Please check.

BR Karsten
by anonymous

I was not able to reproduce this symptoms here, could please try doing a factory reset ( press the reset button for 12-20 sec ) and see if that fixes the issue?

If it doesnt, let me know.

Best regards.
by anonymous

Thank you very much for your quick answer.

I think it has to do with the 101% flash memory usage that was shown in the Packages menu.
I set to default user configuration without DDNS Package installation. After DDNS package installation, again the flash memory usage was 101 %.
After a reboot it was about 85% but after that it was not possible to creat the default user configuration.

BTW it is a RUT 956 device with the latest firmware.

BR Karsten