Hi, I'm trying to install SNMP package on a RUT240 (firmware RUT2_R_00.07.01.4) but the flash memory is almost full, the only other package that I've installed is DDNS. So I looked up on the router filesystem which are the biggest files, and there are some files that are over 1 MB, some are .so files (libcrypto and libdns) the others are:
- 1.5M /etc/default-config/config.tar.gz
- 1.2M /etc/profiles/default.tar.gz
- 1.5M /overlay/upper/etc/default-config/config.tar.gz
- 1.2M /overlay/upper/etc/profiles/default.tar.gz
- 1.1M /tmp/.uci/ping_reboot
I guess that the tar.gzs are two files listed twice from different mounting point. The ping_reboot file is full of lines like these:
I've checked on an identical RUT240 (same firmware, and only DDNS package installed, ping reboot also enabled) and:
- /tmp/.uci/ping_reboot is empty
- /etc/profiles/default.tar.gz is only 25.3K
- /etc/default-config/config.tar.gz does not exist
From the web interface of the full-memory router I noticed that there is a User's defaults configuration backup but I can't delete it, is that the /etc/default-config/config.tar.gz file? Is it safe to delete it and the /etc/profiles/default.tar.gz file from the CLI? Is the ping-reboot service writing the /tmp/.uci/ping_reboot file? Is it safe to remove also that or is there a way to rotate it?
Thank you