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189 views 2 comments
by anonymous

We have a number of RUTX11 as well as other models deployed on Vodafone UK SIMS, out of the 8 RUTX11 2 randomly lose connectivity and cant be rebooted via SMS etc.  The only option to attend site and physically reboot the unit.

I have also set up a auto reboot schedule on all our Teltonika devices, however it doesnt seem to reboot the devices at the set time of 9am everyday.

Any help appreciated.  Currently cant get any logs from the 2 devices that are failing, but once back online i can obtain.


1 Answer

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by anonymous


Regarding SMS commands, make sure you use correct syntax. Depending on the configuration of the SMS rules, you might need to add admin password before the command: <admin_passwd> <command>.

Considering that the devices are disconnected from the network, they may not have the correct time data to reboot properly.

You can also configure a separate reboot for the device modem, without restarting the device completely, in case of disconnect. In many situations, it is enough to restore data connectivity. The configuration is found in Services -> Auto reboot -> Ping/Wget reboot.

The troubleshoot files would be helpful, however, keep in mind that the logs storage is finite and, in order to get the most out of them, disconnect should have happened recently.

Best regards,


by anonymous
Thanks for the reply

Yes we use the password and status or reboot command.  With no response and the device stays off line.

I have now regained access as the client power cycled the unit.  I can see in the logs that the reboot scheduler is in there as an event everyday, but not sure if its actually rebooting as we dont lose the connection at the head end to the device on the LAN side of the RUTX11.

Not sure which files you need specifcally from the tar file, but dont want to publish on here as there are IP addresses that i dont want exposing.

by anonymous
Please send the file in a personal message, or at least, to begin, these are the files I'm interested in: gsm, sysinfo, system.