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by anonymous

Need some help. I have 14 RUT240s and I'm recently changed them all to a data only SIM card (60GB) because it was a lot cheaper. However, with data only, now I cannot SMS reboot/mobileon the router with SMS commands etc. when some of them disconnect from the internet (happens occasionally, once a week maybe and always on a different one). To avoid traveling 300+ kilometers when a connection drops / disconnects, what should I do? What are best practices? 

  1. periodic reboot (reboot or modem restart every day - every other day) and/or
  2. ping reboot (reboot/modem restart/restart mobile connection/(re)register)?

Apologies if it is a silly question but just wanna do it right. 

by anonymous
I have the same. Started to have this after i changed to data only SIM. Subscribtion does not have SMS capabilities.

Connection does not come up after operator disconnects for DHCP change. Disconnects are periodical every 24...36 hours.

1 Answer

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by anonymous

Hi Maradosev,

In such a scenario, it would be a good idea to enable both:

  1. "Ping reboot" to reboot the modem or restart your mobile connection as a possible corrective measure if any of your devices lose internet connectivity. 
  2. "Reboot scheduler" as a precautionary measure to let the devices start with a fresh slate from time to time.

Please note that these measures won't 100% guarantee your devices get back internet connectivity every time they lose it because the disconnection might be related to other issues not currently contemplated (e.g: broken antenna, misconfigurations, faulty connection, module failure, malfunctioning cell site, no available data, etc.)

I hope these suggestions help to solve your query.


by anonymous

Thanks, just to clarify, you would use "reboot"  on both periodic and ping so no modem restart/restart mobile connection/(re)register)?

by anonymous
Hi Marodosev,

Regarding ping reboot, the main difference between the listed actions is at the hardware/firmware and network reestablishment level.

Based on some customers' experience, you could try to enable two ping reboot rules:

One to restart the module if the connection fails after 5 minutes, and set a second rule to restart the device after thirty minutes if still there's no internet connection. However, I strongly suggest you test this option before implementing it as a final solution. As you may know, the optimal solution will depend on the action that suits better the connection reestablishment between the device and your network operator.

Also, it is still a good idea to implement a reboot device scheduler as a  prophylactic solution to let your device start fresh from time to time.

I hope it is more clear now.
