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by anonymous

Im using a RUT240 for a remote camera location. The mobile signal and internet speeds seem to vary greatly, from usable images to the connection dropping out all together. Signal strength varies between -50 and -70 db. As antenna I use a Cell 6138 4G/5G antenna. It has two cables marked H and V, supposedly for horizontal and vertical polarization. How does the RUT240 use its antenna connections? Does the software switch over from MAIN to AUX when the signal drops below a certain level, or are they used simultaneously? Can this be the problem why my connection seems to be very erratic, with very good performance on some occassions and hardly any connection the next moment?

1 Answer

+1 vote
by anonymous


Thank you for the question.

Regarding polarization, you are correct, your antenna has 2 elements - vertical and horizontal.

Depending on what technology (3G/4G) is used to connect to the mobile network provider, "AUX" antenna performs a different role:

  •     When "3G" technology is used, "AUX" antenna is used as "diversity antenna" for error correction. Its effects are mostly noticeable in poor mobile signal strength areas.
  •     When "4G (LTE)" technology is used, "AUX" antenna is used both as diversity antenna and as a secondary receiving antenna, increasing data connection quality and overall mobile download speed of the device.

RUT240 Main LTE antenna connector is the one on the right side of the back panel.

Regarding signal issues, there are a few general suggestions you can try:

  •     Switching main and aux connectors while monitoring signal strength changes and trying different antenna positions may help create better signal conditions. Experiment with it and leave it in the position that gives the best signal strength. For more information on mobile signal conditions, visit our wiki.
  •     Teltonika-Networks devices provide a manual band-lock feature. Experimenting with different available frequency bands may help in finding the best speed conditions. Watch this short video to learn how
  •     Try connecting original antennas that came with RUT240 and test if you are experiencing same issues.

Let me know if any of these steps helped.

Best regards.

Best answer
by anonymous
Contrary to what I expected to work, switching to manual frequency selection proved to make the difference by a huge amount. For me, in the Netherlands, bands b20 and b28 offered an unbelievable upgrade in stability. From about 40% uptime to 100%. Signal strength steady at -51!dbw. Great tip!