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458 views 4 comments
by anonymous

We're getting the following error below when we try to logon RUT950 and since the login issue the sims have got a lot data usage

ot sane!
stack /usr/lib/lua/luci/dispatcher.lua:222: Fatal: Indexcache is not sane!
stack traceback:
	[C]: in function 'assert'
	/usr/lib/lua/luci/dispatcher.lua:222: in function 'createindex_plain'
	/usr/lib/lua/luci/dispatcher.lua:204: in function 'createindex'
	/usr/lib/lua/luci/dispatcher.lua:236: in function 'createtree'
	/usr/lib/lua/luci/dispatcher.lua:86: in function 'dispatch'
	/usr/lib/lua/luci/dispatcher.lua:72: in function </usr/lib/lua/luci/dispatcher.lua:72>traceback:
	[C]: in fu

3 Answers

0 votes
by anonymous
Hi Abdi,

Did you tried to clear browser cache? I guess this will help.


0 votes
by anonymous


Have you tried to restart the device?

Also, which firmware version are you using, have you tried to update?

Could you to attach a troubleshoot file to your question. Please, replicate the issue, then access router's WebUI, go to System -> Administration > Troubleshoot section and download troubleshoot file from there.

Best regards,

by anonymous

to restart the router, we login through http, which is not working at moment. the firmware we were using was RUT9XX_R_00.04.75 before we have lost connection through the http.
by anonymous


The firmware you are using is very old. 

I suggest you to update using the bootloader procedure.

Download the latest legacy firmware version from here and follow the instructions provided in this link.

Best regards,

0 votes
by anonymous
I have a few RUT240 and RUT950/955 which I can only access remotely through http or ssh.  I have seen this error a few times on many of the devices, recently quite often.  I tried quite a few things in the ssh shell without luck.  It went away after reboot, in some cases it happened again soon on the same device.  Last time I saw this I deleted the log file and restarted.  Have not seen it after that but may be a coincidence.  I recommend scheduled auto reboot.  It has saved me so many times when the router becomes unaccessible remotely.  However I do not use ping reboot as it caused me problems of endless reboot cycles when mobile connections are unstable.
by anonymous
i've got access now through the http after reseted the router and louded the new firmware, but the issue of data usage as high as 500gb less then a month, could be related becouse of the old version or is something, did it happen before to any of your customer?
by anonymous

Interesting.  This happened to me as well.  My data load sky rocketed from a few mb to 150Gb in one week at the same time when I got this error.  If you can access with ssh, try to monitor tcp/ip connections. Run tcpdump.   Enable TCP dump  from Administration -> troubleshoot.  Then analyse the file with Wireshark.  When I did this I saw quite a lot of unexpected IPs, many blacklisted attacking every 20 sec.  Not sure if someone actually got in, but perhaps.  I did various things, enabled ssh attack prevention, changed all passwords etc.