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Hi, we have dozen of rut240 running in basic mode (4G modem) and now want to use the many functions wich are included, thank you for your assistance

1. we never could manage to priorize the connections in our order (1 WAN, 2 WIFI, 3 LTE), it seems always to jum to LTE and dismiss WiFi

2. any chance to make WiFi users or non registered users acess ONLY the internal network, so no 4G routing (no WWW)

3. where can i get more info/pricing about the RMS, i asked sever times via Email, but never got an aswer in the last 24 month

1 Answer

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by anonymous


1. we never could manage to priorize the connections in our order (1 WAN, 2 WIFI, 3 LTE), it seems always to jum to LTE and dismiss WiFi

Can you add a screenshot with your settings?

Which firmware release version you are using?

2. any chance to make WiFi users or non registered users acess ONLY the internal network, so no 4G routing (no WWW)

It is not so easy , but you could try to make this via Firewall rules. You will need set IPs or MAC for allowing/blocking.

3. where can i get more info/pricing about the RMS, i asked sever times via Email, but never got an aswer in the last 24 month

Contact with person from which you buy your routers.


Thank your for your reply, we would like to have the ETH1 (if available) as MAIN source of WAN, then WIFI, and if booth are not available, it should use 4G.

by anonymous


Should look something like this:

If issue persist, reset router to default settings and clear your browser cache memory.