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by anonymous

We have used the RUT360 as described in the article
and the routing to the individual devices in the network works so far, only the VNC connection (port 5900) to a device does not work.

However, if port forwarding of port 5900 is configured on the router, the VNC connection can be established via RUT360:5900 but then also via DEVICE:5900.

We suspect that this may be due to the old ZeroTier version used (1.6.5-1). When will there be an update of the version here? Could we possibly get a test version of a more current ZeroTier version?

1 Answer

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by anonymous

ZeroTier will get updated with 7.3 FW version, if I am correct, it will be 1.8.4
by anonymous
When will version 7.3 be released? Or is it possible to get a pre-release version of 7.3 with the new ZeroTier version?
by anonymous
There is no said date, but we hope to release it in September or October
by anonymous
Will there be an option to get the ZeroTier 1.8.4. Package earlier than September?
by anonymous
Yeah, whenever a somewhat stable FW version will be released. You can PM me in a few weeks to ask for it and then I will go and look to see how's it going