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+1 vote
449 views 3 comments
by anonymous

I'm trying to set up the MQTT broker with a password file containing username and password as such:


Then i turn off anonymous access and try to subscribe from my computer, but i am denied access.

In the legacy WebUI manual it says to create the password file with mosquitto_passwd, but when i access the router via SSH, the app doesn't exist.

Am i supposed to encrypt the password file by some other means, before i can use it?

Best Regards, David

1 Answer

+1 vote
by anonymous


You can read more about mosquitto_passwd utility in the following link:

To be able to use it on the router, you first need to execute the following commands in the router via CLI/SSH:

  • opkg update
  • opkg install mosquitto-clients

You can also generate password file in a Linux PC or a virtual machine.

Password file creation example is described in the following site:

MQTT example configuration is provided in this page:

Best regards,

Best answer
by anonymous

Thanks for taking your time to respond.

mosquitto-clients doesn't exist in the repositories, but i can see mosquitto-client-ssl and ...-nossl, but neither of them contain mosquitto-passwd.

I can see that 1 update failed:

Best regards,
by anonymous

Try simply: 

  • opkg install mosquitto

It should download mosquitto-ssl and you should be able to configure passwords.

by anonymous

Hello again

I have a new problem, where after resetting to factory setting, i am unable to install mosquitto with the password utility.

I run 

  • opkg update
  • opkg install mosquitto

But the password utility is not included this time?

I am also unable to add the MQTT service from the WebUI.

Best regards